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"Wait! I'm coming." The constant knocks and doorbell ringing made Mrs.Kim yell out loud. She did a fast walk towards the main door and opened it with force, annoyed." You are losing patience and that is not a good thing." She said sternly.

He did not pay attention to her remark.
Jaison quickly gave her a peck on the forehead and walked past her." Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone. Did you eat? Is she still asleep?"He quickly removed his tie and unbuttoned his coat buttons.

"I did and she is sleeping like a log but why are you in a hurry?" She questioned.

"I'm all sweaty  and filled with dust, mum. I need to bathe before going to her. I can't risk her getting any allergies or infections. Her immune system has finally come under control but I still need to take precaution." He hastily removed his coat, throwing it on the couch and started walking towards the guest room while opening his shirt buttons.

Mrs.Kim stared at his disappearing back as a smile crept its way on her lips. He takes every small thing into consideration when its related to her. She chuckled and decided to cut some fruits for him.

Jaison walked out of the room as he sighed in relief. The shower was refreshing. He rubbed the towel on his head and tossed it aside onto a couch. He was about to walk into his bedroom to check on his wife but was stopped by a call from his mother." Sweety?"

"Yes, Mum?" He walked into the kitchen and saw her placing nicely cut fruits on a plate.

"Eat something first. You won't budge once you go to her." She chuckled at her own statement. Jaison gave a look of 'thats not true' but he knew damn well she was right. He ended up chuckling along with her. She gently pushed the plate forward and sat on the chair of the island. He came to sit beside her.

He began chomping on the slices of apple, oranges, papaya and banana. He hadn't realised that he was hungry.

Even if he wanted to eat something in the past few hours, it wasn't the place and time to eat peacefully. Moreover, nothing would have passed down his throat with the acid churning in his stomach. It sickened him. The sight of the people who he once considered precious to himself trying to hurt the person who had given his life meaning once again sickened him.

He wanted to do much more than just throw them behind bars and expose them infront of the public. It wasn't enough. He wanted to hear them scream in agony. Being helpless. Crying tears of blood while they prayed to the almighty to turn back time and undo their sins.

He had met Amrita once and that meeting had left him spooked. The lady's behaviour had repulsed him, angered him but mostly surprised him but he made sure to keep a blank face on as if no matter what she did he wouldn't get affected.

Akira had been living with that horror? The mere thought made him grip the slice of apple in a harsh hold. He couldn't even imagine the torture she and her brother must have suffered. Physical wounds can heal, at best can even fade away as if they never existed but the pain inflicted mentally can never heal.

"What are you thinking?" he snapped out of his trance. His mother's worried voice made him turn to her.

"Hmm?" he looked at her blankly.

"Don't murder the apple like that and do you mind telling me what's on your mind?" She chuckled to lighten the tensed atmosphere around them.

"I- I don't know, Mum. Now that they are getting what they deserved I still feel unsettled. The burning ache in my chest is not dying down." He paused and played with the apple in his hand." Can you believe when I went to Yoona's office and when she acted all innocent I -I wanted to punch her so bad." He carefully observed his mother's features thinking that she might get mad.

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