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A golden year has passed since Harry and Angela's tumultuous and death-defying relationship found their first moment of peace. Now that Harry has found his angel and Angie, her knight, will their "Heavenly puzzle" be pure and golden forever? What about Liam, whose newly blossoming relationship with Becky, Angie's best friend, has him confused with his still potent love for Angela. Or Gemma, Harry's sister who stumbles back into Harry's life and possibly into Danny's heart of stone? Will Danny let Angie make her own rules and live with her knight in his castle of gold?

Twitter: @Atlantis094

Also, the following scene is an excerpt, aka it has not happened in the story yet. It's meant to give you a taste of the sequel :]


Harry paced my room for a long moment, shaking his head of dark curls at the ground, in frustration.

“Harry, I don’t understand--” I admitted without trying to cover my ting of desperation.

Why didn’t he want to be at my graduation? What did I do wrong?

Then he stopped and looked up into my eyes.

“Angela, what are you going to tell your children? That you used to date a bum that never graduated high school?!” he demanded in a shout.

"No," I shook my head slowly.

Harry took deep, irregular breaths, watching me expectantly.

“I’m going to tell them whatever you tell them, because they will be our children,” I corrected him.

I had no idea where my confidence came from, or my words, but I didn’t dare take them back. Even if I could, I wouldn’t have because everything I said was true. I wanted to have his children one day.

Harry blinked and just watched me a moment.

“You want my babies?” he asked me in a hushed voice, like he wanted me to whisper “yes” so that he could wink and make me blush.

But there was a sort of dangerous resoluteness in his marble eyes and I was slightly afraid of what he would do if I said “yes.”

So I nodded slowly.

A sly grin literally cut into his features: his dimples peaked through and he watched me with an eager restraint. Kind of like the days after he saved me and we were stepping on each other’s tongues. Then, we entangled with each other’s tongues.

He slammed his chest into mine, pinning me to the wall with his delicate forcefulness- as he pressed his lips to mine urgently. His hands slid down my waist as he lifted me up slightly, fitting my tender lock to his growing golden key.

Then he squeezed my thighs until I wrapped my legs around his waist.

His hands blindly, but still mischievously- felt up my skirt and along my inner thigh until he got to the lace of my underwear.

He tugged it. It fell to my ankle.

Then he unbuckled his belt, pulled down his pants.  And he thrusted. He thrusted so deep inside me, I almost thought he was stuck. But we never got stuck; we fit together in our perfect puzzle.

But this time was different. It was like he physically wanted to get his white soldiers up to my tallest tower to plant their red flag of victory.

His warm breath tingled down my neck, sending me into a fearful, but pleasurous whirlwind.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, grasping a few curls every time he filled me with his soldiers.

“I’ll give you a baby boy” he growled in a deep rasp. He pressed his key at the word “boy.”

I took a deep breath in slight fear of his words and the powerful vigor of his body. I wanted his children, but not now. And I was afraid and slightly impressed that what he said always seemed to happen, like his ambition- and, well his soldiers were that determined.

“A baby girl,” he purred softly by my ear.

“And another boy,” he hissed harshly.

“Another girl,” he whispered against my lips.

“There aren’t enough sexes,” he commented in a raspy purr. And he began kissing along my neck.

“And another,” he growled. “Another...”

My chest rose and fell to the rhythm he thrust his lock: too fast. Too hard. Too Harry.

I felt like I was filled with every single one of his soldiers. Like I was Charlotte with her web of thousands of baby spiders.

Then he stopped.

And rested his hands on the wall- on either side of me. He took deep, heavy breaths, trying to catch up his words with his actions.

Harry pulled his boxers and jeans up, then he buckled his pants swiftly. Piece of cake.

But I was still trying to catch my breath.

Of the number of times he's touched me, this time caught me off guard. Literally. He broke into my barrier and fled up my castle, trying to get his soldiers to implant gold.

 My legs permanently stuck in a slightly separated fashion that looked as though it was painful to clasp them together again. It was slightly painful.

Harry pulled his boxers up and jeans up, then he buckled his pants swiftly.

“Harry?” I asked slowly, quietly.

He looked into my eyes and that gleam of dangerous golden determination had settled down.

“Yes?” he asked with a wink and a peak of his dimples.

I glanced at my alarm clock.

“I’m late,” I told him. And I wouldn't be surprised if I was late for something else real soon...

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