In the midst of it all, Meerab was feeling bewildered. Part of her was relieved that Maa Begum had suggested she go with Murtasim, as she had been growing bored at the haveli. Yet, Murtasim's consistent reluctance to include her in his plans had left her feeling downcast. It was as if her suspicions about him seeing their marriage as an obligation imposed by his father were being confirmed. As she packed her bags, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through her mind, searching for a way to restore a sense of normalcy to her life.


The journey to the gaon felt stifling, marked by an uncomfortable silence that stretched throughout the car ride. After three seemingly endless hours, they finally arrived at the gaon house. As Meerab stepped out of the car, she took in a deep breath of fresh air, feeling an instant sense of relief wash over her.

Inside the house, an elderly lady greeted them warmly. While Murtasim engaged in conversation with her, Meerab learned that the lady was the caretaker of the place. Murtasim excused himself to take a call and left Meerab in the company of the caretaker. The lady smiled kindly and introduced herself, "Assalamu Alaikum, Khaani. I'll be looking after you during your stay here. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Meerab returned the smile and replied, "Thank you. But for now, I'd just like to rest. Could you please show me to my room?" She was still getting accustomed to the unfamiliar surroundings.

"yes yes of course," the lady said, leading Meerab to a room that had an adjoining lounge. As Meerab glanced around, her eyes caught a massive window that revealed a view of a swimming pool and a gym room. Her brief exploration was then interrupted by Murtasim's entrance.

As their eyes met, and a peculiar hesitation seemed to hang in the air between them. It was an unfamiliar feeling for Meerab. Murtasim's gaze, once warm and reassuring, now held an unrecognizable emotion. As he cleared his throat and informed her, "I'll be heading out. It might take a while before I return."

With that, he left the room, leaving Meerab lost in her thoughts, her mind swirling with questions and uncertainties.


Murtasim hated the palpable hesitancy that lingered between Meerab and him. It wasn't like the initial awkwardness and shyness that often accompanied the early days of a marriage. This was different – an invisible barrier that seemed to hinder their understanding of each other. He longed to ask Meerab, to demand an explanation for this distance, and to talk until the truth emerged. He wanted to alleviate any worries she might carry, to bridge whatever gap had formed. But for now, he understood that tending to his responsibilities was the immediate priority.

Heading out to the fields, Murtasim was met with a line of farmers, each eager to voice their grievances about Malik Zubair. Through their accounts, Murtasim's perception of the man became increasingly repulsive. Malik Zubair had stooped to despicable lows, threatening the farmers with the destruction of their crops, harm to their families, and even the abduction of their daughters. He had brought ruin upon their properties and manipulated them into rebelling against the Khans, all in a bid to secure his own vile agenda of becoming the sole leader of the lands.

Bakhtu's revelations further fueled Murtasim's anger. Malik Zubair had audaciously spoken of claiming Murtasim's land, a revelation that ignited a fierce fire within him. In response, Murtasim pledged his unwavering protection to the farmers, vowing that their safety was guaranteed as long as he lived. He assured them that he would confront Malik Zubair head-on.

As the weight of the grave issue settled upon him, Murtasim's determination solidified. He decided to call the panchayat, and demand a collective solution to counter Malik Zubair's underhanded tactics. The battle lines were drawn, and Murtasim was prepared to wage this fight to safeguard his people and restore the integrity of the gaon.

The day had been exhaustingly long, and as the clock struck 10 pm, Murtasim finally realized how many hours had slipped by since he arrived. Returning to his car, he glanced at his phone to find a missed call from his father. "Here we go again," he muttered to himself, dialing his father's number.

"Where have you been, Murtasim? Why didn't you answer your phone?" his father's voice was laced with sternness.

"I was out in the fields, talking to the farmers. Malik Zubair has caused quite a disturbance here, Baba Sahab. I've decided to call on the panchayat tomorrow to address the issue," Murtasim explained.

"Hmm, alright. Ensure you handle him like a true man. Don't show him any mercy! He needs to understand the might of the Khans! You better not disappoint me," Shahnawaz's voice was charged with authority and underlying anger.

"Understood," Murtasim replied as he felt the call abruptly end, leaving him with a sense of burden. The weight of responsibility for hundreds of lives, the unending expectations and demands of his father, the looming confrontation with his enemy, and the complex and puzzling dynamic with his wife – they all seemed to conspire against him, bombarding him with worries and stress all at once.

Making his way back home, his mind raced with thoughts that felt like relentless hammers against his brain. The night wrapped around him, carrying the weight of his responsibilities and the challenges he were to face.


The hours seemed to stretch endlessly for Meerab as she waited. Throughout the day, she had tried to keep herself occupied by resting, exploring the house, and engaging in conversations with Mai, the caretaker. However, as the night deepened, her mind became a storm of strange scenarios. Uncertainty gripped her thoughts, fueled by Murtasim's vague whereabouts and his obscure departure earlier. He had mentioned he might be late, but he hadn't specified where he was headed.

Insecurities began to creep in, twisting her thoughts into knots. What if he had gone to see Haya? She recalled that Haya also lived somewhere in the gaon. However, she had also overheard Murtasim, on the phone, discussing a certain Malik Zubair who was causing issues in the fields. Perhaps Murtasim had left to address that problem. But then, why would his work stretch so late into the night? These questions swirled in Meerab's mind, and she found herself dwelling on Murtasim's distant behavior towards her lately.

The memory of his recent withdrawal coupled with her current thoughts led her down a path of pessimism. Could this be the moment when Murtasim had grown tired of his obligations towards her and decided to leave? A rush of anxiety washed over her at the mere idea. The implications were daunting – if he abandoned her, she would become homeless, as her parents also felt burdened by her. The weight of these concerns bore down on her, driving her deeper into a pit of uncertainty and negativity.

However, as the sound of a car horn pierced the night, a glimmer of hope emerged. She recognized the sound – Murtasim was back. Determination coursed through her veins; she had resolved that she would confront him tonight, no matter what. The time had come to unveil the truth and dispel the shadows of doubt that had cast a storm over her mind.

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