
The walima event had concluded out smoothly. There were times when Meerab felt overwhelmed by seeing so many people and being the center of attention. However, Murtasim's reassuring whispers, "It's okay, don't worry," were like a lifeline, pulling her from the depths of anxiety to the shore of tranquility.

In the midst of the festivities, Meerab had the opportunity to acquaint herself with new faces and to become acquaintance with the extended circle of the Khan family. Among them, one individual stood out vividly – Haya.

She was Murtasim's khala's daughter, a figure with an aura that was hard to ignore. Meerab's observant nature picked up on the subtle cues of discomfort that played across Murtasim's face as Haya approached them on the stage. While her lips curved into a friendly smile, her eyes betrayed with a depths of emotions that lay beneath the surface.

Haya's voice cut through the air, her words ringing with a seemingly not so innocent curiosity, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your wife, Murtasim?" The question held an almost eerie undertone. It was as if the words were a mere guise, concealing a storm of feelings that lurked beneath. Meerab's instincts picked up on the sharp contrast between Haya's composed demeanor and the undercurrents of negativity that seemed to emanate from her.

Yet, she knew better than to judge others based on first impressions as they often painted incomplete pictures. Thus, she chose to brush aside the initial swirl of discomfort that had risen within her.


But, the interaction with Haya stretched beyond a brief encounter. Her stay at the Khan Haveli extended for a week due to her close friendship with Mariam from childhood. Although they didn't have many direct interactions, Meerab noticed that Haya's presence clearly felt Murtasim feeling unsettled. This puzzled Meerab, as they were cousins, making Murtasim's reaction seem confusing.

What struck Meerab as even stranger was the peculiar smile that adorned Haya's face whenever she mentioned Murtasim. Haya's constant stories about how Murtasim used to take her shopping for chooriyan and mehndi for Eid in the past, or how he would treat her to ice cream outings, left Meerab feeling uneasy. She contemplated discussing her concerns with Murtasim, but hesitated out of respect, not wanting to engage in gossip, especially concerning Murtasim's own family.

However, one day, Haya managed to catch Meerab off guard. They were all gathered in the lounge, with Murtasim off to work. Meerab, Mariam, and Haya were reminiscing over childhood photographs when Haya dropped a bombshell. "Meerab, did you know that Maa Begum and my mother initially wanted Murtasim and me to be married?" The question hit Meerab like a surprise gust of wind, leaving her feeling uncomfortable. Mariam attempted to diffuse the tension with a chuckle and a dismissive comment, but it was evident that the matter wasn't a lighthearted joke. It seemed as if Haya was trying to convey something deeper.

Haya's remarks continued, delving into the past. "But then Shahnawaz Khalo proposed you for Murtasim, so Maa Begum didn't have much choice but to comply with his wishes." Haya's words further unsettled Meerab. With a forced smile, Meerab nodded, trying to calm herself. "Meerab, don't take her words too seriously. It's all ancient history now," Mariam interjected, attempting to lighten the mood. However, Meerab found it difficult to brush off the thoughts that had been stirred.

As Mariam left the room in response to Maa Begum's call, Haya continued her narrative. "Well, Murtasim was quite disheartened and unhappy by the whole marriage arrangement as well. I know he feels trapped by his father's decisions but he can't do much about it as well." That was the breaking point for Meerab. Unable to maintain her composure any longer, she excused herself, her mind in turmoil, and retreated to her room to process the unexpected revelations.

Meerab found it hard to believe how shamelessly Haya was flaunting her relationship with Murtasim. Surely, the Murtasim she knew wasn't like this. If he had genuinely had feelings for Haya, they could have easily pursued a relationship, especially given their cousin status. There wouldn't have been objections to such a match right? But then again, Haya did mention Shahnawaz uncle's influence in pairing him up with Meerab, though. This left Meerab conflicted.

Because if he held romantic feelings for Haya, his behavior toward Meerab seemed contradictory. Why would he be so caring and affectionate toward her? The puzzle pieces didn't fit. Was he truly feeling trapped due to their forced relationship, as Haya had suggested? Meerab couldn't ignore the possibility. Haya wouldn't have made such claims without some basis. Perhaps Murtasim was trying to draw a compromise with Meerab, because of his father's orders. This raised the unsettling thought that maybe she was indeed a burden to him, a responsibility imposed by his father.

The weight of this realization brought tears to Meerab's eyes. A sense of being a burden, a weight that others had to bear, resurfaced within her, echoing the pain she had experienced with her own parents. While Murtasim hadn't vocalized such sentiments, but the idea that he might feel trapped with her gnawed at her heart. The thought that his true feelings belonged to Haya, and she was simply an obligation from his father's decree, struck her like a heavy blow as Meerab felt herself spiraling into a sea of past bitter memories and new realizations. The hurtful revelations combined with her own insecurities, drawing her into a deep abyss of emotions.


Haya's behavior has always repulsed Murtasim. Her constant attempts to be close to him and to seize every opportunity to be near him, sent shivers of discomfort down his spine. He was aware of her feelings for him, yet he had always maintained a safe distance, never encouraging her advances. But no matter how much he distanced himself, she somehow managed to cling onto him. Memories resurfaced of how Haya used to pester him on Eid, insisting he take her out on Chand Raat to buy chooriyan and mehndi. However, he always ensured that Mariam accompanied them – he would never let himself be alone with her. Her crush on him wasn't ordinary; it had crossed into the territory of obsession and Murtasim was well aware of that.

There were moments when he catched her snooping around his room in his absence, rummaging through his belongings, and her unsettling and cheesy conversations left him with a feeling of repulsion and anger. However, despite his discomfort, he refrained from complaining to his mother, understanding that he couldn't tarnish Haya's honor in that way. Instead, his solution was to stay away from home as much as possible during her monthly visits.

He remembered the time when his mother had mentioned Haya's proposal to him. Murtasim had immediately declined it, strictly instructing his mother to abandon any such thoughts. He had no desire to marry someone like Haya – someone lacking in ambitions, surrendering herself to a man with such desperation, and with a minimal sense of self-respect. His ideals were far different, and only Meerab embodied them. Her strength, independence, and captivating personality drew him in. Murtasim recognized that what he felt for Meerab transcended mere physical attraction. It was a profound and pure emotion, one that made his heart flutter in her presence and ache when she was unhappy. It was a sentiment that defied comparison and continued to grow day by day, deepening into something he had never experienced before.

Murtasim's realization that Haya might opt to skip his wedding with Meerab turned out to be incorrect. Haya's persistent smile and the envious glances she cast Meerab's way left Murtasim feeling uneasy. He considered discussing Haya's obsessive behavior with Meerab, but he hesitated, feeling it wasn't right to gossip about his own cousin. Moreover, Meerab seemed unbothered by Haya's actions, so Murtasim decided to let the topic remain untouched.

However, today, when Murtasim returned home to find Meerab missing from her usual spot in the lounge with Mariam. This departure from the routine raised a suspicion. As he began to search for her, he spotted Meerab emerging from their bathroom, fresh from a shower. Their eyes met, and she greeted him with a small "Assalamu Alaikum," but something was missing. The usual radiance was absent from her expression, her smile nowhere to be found. She appeared dejected.

This concerned Murtasim as he questioned her, "Meerab, are you okay?" Her response was a slight nod, and she retreated to the bed, her demeanor emitting sadness. Murtasim felt a growing unease settle in. He hoped to initiate a conversation as he got ready for bed and slipped under the covers, but Meerab remained silent, facing away from him.

Driven by his worry, Murtasim asked another question, "Meerab, did someone say something to you?" His concern was met with a simple "no" from Meerab. Her despondent aura confused him further. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well, Murtasim thought, attempting to push away negative thoughts and focus on getting some sleep.

As the room darkened and the silence enveloped them, Murtasim's discomfort lingered. The unspoken tension hung in the air, and he found himself pondering over what could be bothering Meerab. Yet, despite his efforts, the unsettling feeling refused to fade, leaving Murtasim to struggle with a sense of unease that disrupted his rest.

Please don't hate me for adding in the most hated character but i swear its all gonna make sense soon.

Feedback is appreciated and apologizes for any typos and errors.

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