Chapter 1

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After a long journey, the sisters finally arrived back in their hometown. Their spirits were high, and the sense of being home was overwhelming. Anna, the protective older sister, guided them through the bustling airport with a watchful eye. AJ, the "mind your own business" kind of sister, seemed lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on something distant. And CJ, the youngest of the trio, basked in the attention and admiration she received from her siblings.

Once they stepped out of the airport, Anna hailed a taxi to take them to a local cafe they used to frequent. The cafe held a special place in their hearts, as it was a spot where they had shared countless memories. As they entered, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of quiet chatter welcomed them.

Anna found a table near the window, giving her a clear view of the entrance and the street outside. AJ settled in, her focus turning to the menu, her curiosity piqued by the local delicacies. CJ hesitated momentarily before taking a seat, her eyes darting around the cafe, soaking in the warmth and familiarity.

As they ordered their drinks and meals, the conversation flowed naturally, a blend of catching up and reminiscing about their time apart. Anna kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, her protective instincts never fully at rest. AJ contributed to the conversation with her characteristic dry humor and insightful observations, while CJ relished the attention her older sisters showered on her.

A couple of patrons at a nearby table couldn't help but steal glances at the trio. CJ, in particular, noticed the looks of admiration, and her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. Anna exchanged a knowing glance with her sisters, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

As they laughed and shared stories, the cafe began to feel like a haven of familiarity, a space where they could let their guards down and simply be themselves. The scene played out harmoniously, reflecting the unique dynamics of their sisterly bond – Anna's protectiveness, AJ's detached wisdom, and CJ's yearning for connection.

Little did they know, this cafe was the first step in a journey that would not only rekindle their relationships but also lead them to discover the depth of their father's emotions and the untold stories that had shaped their family.

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