Chapter 11

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Amidst the swirl of elegance and laughter in the grand ballroom, Cassie Martinez's eyes scanned the crowd, her gaze inadvertently landing on the stranger from the cafe. Memories of their previous encounter at the café flooded her mind, a mixture of fear and dark desires knotting in her stomach. She observed him from a distance, her heart racing as she remembered the intensity of their last interaction.

Despite her best efforts to remain composed, CJ's past experience with him had left an indelible mark. She couldn't shake the unease that had settled within her, a hesitation rooted in the unknown.

As the evening progressed, CJ had found his name. Her darting glances towards Terrance sterling made her apprehension grow. He was surrounded with a bunch of beautiful women chatting animatedly as if he hadn't traumatized an innocent being some time ago. She realized that she was playing a game of hide and seek, her own emotions causing her to avoid his gaze.

However, her attempts to keep her distance came to an abrupt halt when she turned a corner, only to be pulled into an empty room by an unseen force. Her heart leaped in her chest, and her breath caught as the door closed behind her with a soft click. She was the timid one, the baby of the family. She was afraid of sharing her traumas with her sisters. She didn't want to be protected anymore.

CJ's eyes widened as she tried to make out the figure before her. The room was dimly lit, casting an air of mystery around the person who had brought her here. It took her a moment to adjust to the low light, and when she finally focused, her heart sank as she recognized the familiar silhouette.


Fear and uncertainty warred within her as she faced him, her body tense and her mind racing. Memories of their last encounter swirled in her thoughts, and the knowledge that she was alone with him in this room sent a shiver down her spine.

Terrance's gaze held a mix of emotions his intentions were vicious yet he pretended. With a  gentle voice he spoke. "CJ, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to talk."

CJ's heart raced as she took a step back, her instincts urging her to retreat. She remembered the unsettling intensity of their previous kiss the rubbing of his body, the way he had pulled her into the washroom with a grip that had sent alarm bells ringing in her mind.

"I... I don't think we have anything to talk about," CJ replied, her voice wavering slightly.

Terrance's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a sincerity that seemed at odds with her fears. "I just wanted to say that I'm not that person. I know our last encounter was......... unexpected, but I promise you, that's not who I am."

CJ's grip on the doorknob tightened, her eyes never leaving Terrance. The struggle within her was palpable – the desire to believe his words warring with the memory of their previous interaction.

Terrance took a cautious step closer, his tone earnest. "CJ, I'm not here to cause you any harm. I saw the fear in your eyes earlier. I'm sorry for that. I just wanted to make things right."

As his words hung in the air, CJ found herself grappling with a decision – to let go of her fears and confront the man before her or to continue to let her past experiences dictate her actions. In this dimly lit room, with Terrance's gaze fixed on her, CJ faced a crossroads that would shape her perception of him and potentially redefine the trajectory of their interactions.

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