Chapter 36

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As the chatter filled the air in the bustling dining hall, Terrance's eyes followed Vincent's gaze, curiosity piqued. Vincent's eyes were fixed on something or someone, and Terrance turned to see what had captured his attention.

Blake entered the hall, his appearance slightly disheveled, as if he had rushed there. Terrance noted the uncharacteristic look on Blake's face, a mix of surprise and maybe a touch of unease. He exchanged a few words with their group before making his way outside.

Aubrey entered the hall a moment later, her auburn hair catching the light and adding a warm glow to her presence. She walked confidently, her voice animated as she engaged in conversation with Anna . Terrance noticed that Vincent's gaze had shifted to Aubrey, his expression softening as he looked at her.

Terrance leaned closer to Vincent, his voice low. "You seem to be lost in thought, staring at Aubrey."

Vincent blinked, as if coming back to the present. He glanced at Terrance, a faint smile on his lips. "Oh, it's nothing. I was just... surprised by how much she's grown."

Terrance followed Vincent's gaze back to Aubrey, studying her as she talked and laughed with cassie. "Yeah, she's definitely not the same girl we used to know."

Vincent's smile turned wistful. "Indeed. She's become a woman now."

Terrance detected a hint of something more in Vincent's words, a mixture of nostalgia and something he couldn't quite pinpoint. He couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Vincent's thoughts than he was letting on.

Vincent's  gaze remained fixed on her, his thoughts drifting to the past. The image of a younger Aubrey flashed in his mind, her auburn hair shining even back then. He remembered the first time he had met her, how she had been sitting near Blake, her presence a soothing balm for his brother's sadness.

Vincent's lips curved into a fond smile as he let the memories wash over him. He recalled the way Aubrey had looked at Blake, her eyes filled with genuine concern and a touch of kindness that had melted Vincent's heart. It was as if she had a knack for understanding people, for seeing the pain beneath their facade.

Terrance watched Vincent's expression shift, sensing a deeper connection than he had initially thought. He leaned in, his curiosity getting the better of him. "You seem to be reminiscing about something."

Vincent tore his gaze away from Aubrey, meeting Terrance's eyes with a soft sigh. "It's just that Aubrey reminds me so much of Lily."

Terrance's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Lily?"

Vincent nodded, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "Yeah, Lily was like a ray of sunshine, always brightening up everyone's day. She had this way of making people feel better just by being around. And Aubrey, she... she has that same quality. I saw it the first time I met her, how she sat next to Blake and reassured him without even knowing him well."

Terrance observed Vincent, seeing the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke about their sister and Aubrey. "So, you feel a connection with Aubrey because of Lily?"

Vincent nodded again, his smile tinged with a bittersweet emotion. "In a way, yes. It's strange, but it's almost as if Lily's spirit lives on in her. It's been a long time since I've felt that same warmth from someone."

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