Chapter 15

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On a bright morning, the Martinez sisters found themselves standing in front of the elite college, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within them. AJ and CJ, the two younger sisters, were embarking on a new chapter of their lives as they began their journey into higher education.

The college campus was bustling with activity, students chatting, books in hand, and the promise of knowledge and growth in the air. As they walked through the campus, AJ and CJ exchanged animated conversations about their expectations and dreams.
"I can't believe we're finally here," AJ exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

CJ nodded in agreement, a mix of anticipation and apprehension evident in her expression. "Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming, but I'm also really excited."

They made their way to the administration building, where they had to complete some formalities. Inside, they were greeted by the buzz of students and the helpful staff, who guided them through the registration process.

As they received their class schedules and student IDs, the reality of their college journey set in. They were handed a campus map, and CJ studied it intently. "Wow, there are so many buildings. I hope we don't get lost."

AJ chuckled. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. Plus, we've got each other."

After finishing up the administrative tasks, they decided to explore the campus a bit more before their classes began. They walked through the central courtyard, where students were gathered in groups, engaged in animated discussions and laughter.

AJ's gaze wandered to a notice board, where various clubs and activities were advertised. "Look at all the clubs they have here. Maybe we can join some and meet new people."

CJ nodded, a hint of shyness in her smile. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
As they continued to explore, they stumbled upon a cozy café on campus. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the chatter of students filled the air. AJ's eyes lit up. "Coffee break spot, for sure."

CJ chuckled. "Definitely. I think we'll be spending a lot of time here."

Terrance, Blake, Chloe, and Cristina sat huddled together, engaged in lively conversation. Laughter and banter filled the air, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie. Just as their discussion reached a crescendo, the entrance chimed, and Aubrey and Cassie stepped into the cafe.

Aubrey's gaze immediately zeroed in on the group, her expression shifting from casual to something more intense. Her eyes locked onto Blake and Cristina, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features. It was a familiar feeling, the tension of past interactions resurfacing. Yet, she masked her emotions, her demeanor betraying none of the tumultuous thoughts that churned within her.

Beside her, Cassie practically bounced with excitement. Her eyes widened as she recognized the group, her voice pitched with enthusiasm. "Look, Aubrey! It's them!"

Aubrey managed a polite smile, her attention shifting to the newcomers. "Yes, I see. Hello again."

Terrance and Blake exchanged nods, their expressions neutral. Chloe and Cristina offered welcoming smiles, their friendliness unwavering. As they engaged in polite conversation, Aubrey's posture remained composed, her emotions carefully contained.

Cassie, on the other hand, chatted animatedly, blissfully unaware of the underlying dynamics. Her excitement was contagious, drawing laughs and genuine smiles from the group especially terrance. She seemed to be in her element, sharing stories and anecdotes as if they were long-lost friends.

Aubrey's patience was tested, her gaze occasionally darting towards Blake and Cristina. Yet, she maintained her composure, her sarcasm replaced by a polite facade. The contrast between the sisters' reactions was stark – Cassie's open-hearted enthusiasm and Aubrey's guarded restraint.

Blake couldn't help but notice Aubreys silence , and his keen observation caught the shift in her demeanor.

Meanwhile,Chloe's playful demeanor seemed to take center stage. She leaned into Terrance, her touches and giggles drawing his attention. Then, out of the blue, she leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. The act seemed to catch the attention of Cassie.

Cassie's  excitement faltered as she witnessed the sudden display of affection. Her wide eyes blinked in surprise, her lips curving into a hesitant smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Blake's gaze shifted from Aubrey to Cassie, his own observations aligning with hers. He saw the way Cassie's mood dipped, the shadow of uncertainty that clouded her usually radiant expression. The dynamics at play weren't lost on him – the intricate web of relationships that had entangled their lives.

Terrance couldn't help but notice the change in Cassie's mood, a dampening of her usual cheerfulness that didn't escape his perceptive gaze. The connection between Chloe's actions and Cassie's reaction was evident, and a pang of realization hit him – the closeness between Chloe and him was having an unintended effect on his interactions with Cassie.

Adrenaline surged through Terrance as he processed the implications. His heart raced, and he felt a mixture of emotions – surprise, confusion, and a tinge of something dark. He hadn't anticipated this chain of reactions.

As the conversation flowed, Aubrey excused herself from the conversation. She wanted to go back to her real home. The home without her father. The one without the haunting memories of the past- of Blake.

She left her sister with her new friends sure that they wouldn't dare harm her. They had all grown up. Maybe they had changed but she didn't want to think about the possibilities. Her heart still pained at their betrayal.

The campus was huge and classes mostly empty. She entered a corridor surprised at the beautiful paintings on its walls. 'Terrence sterling ' was scribbled beautifully below on most of them. She was curious on what those paintings depicted. Her mind in perplexity.

She never knew the tiny baby she had once held played with several hours a day, at the Sterling house years ago could grow up to be the a gentleman with such intricacy. She had judged him to be like his brother but he was an exact opposite. He was gentle his Cassie. His words polite.His paintings however told a different story-one that she had a curiousity to know about.

While staring at one of the paintings that had unexpectedly drawn her in she heard a voice.

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