Chapter 27

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On a quiet afternoon at the college campus, Cassie spotted Terrance sitting on a bench, lost in his thoughts. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she approached him, a tentative smile on her lips. "Hey, Terrance. Mind if I join you?"

Terrance looked up, his eyes meeting hers before he nodded, his expression guarded. "Sure, Cassie."

As they sat in silence for a moment, Cassie's curiosity grew. "I noticed your mother and sister weren't at the party. Everything alright?"

A.J, who had been walking a few steps ahead , suddenly stilled, her eyes narrowing slightly as she observed the interaction. She glanced ahead at Blake, who turned his head away dismissively.

Terrance's gaze remained steady, his eyes hardening as he responded, his voice laced with a hint of bitterness. "They don't live with us anymore."

Cassie's eyes widened in surprise, her heart going out to him. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Terrance shrugged, his gaze distant as he avoided her eyes. "Maybe some things aren't meant to be."

A.J caught Cassie's gaze, a silent message passing between them. Cassie's instincts told her that there was more to the story, but she decided not to press further. Instead, she offered a small smile. "If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."

Terrance's lips curved into a faint smile, his guard slowly lowering as he met her gaze. In that moment, he felt a sense of safety and security that he hadn't experienced in a while. Cassie's Innocence, sincerity and willingness to listen made him realize that maybe she wasn't that bad. Maybe she didn't deserve what was about to come. He was battling with his emotions. The actions of the Martinez had managed to merge his perception of good and evil. He couldn't figure out if his decisions were correct. A dilemna indeed.

Terrance's lips twitched into a brief smile, his guard momentarily lowered. "Thanks, Cassie. Maybe someday."

In the college courtyard, a lively atmosphere buzzed as students gathered, enjoying their free time between classes. Cristina was engaged in an animated conversation with Blake, their laughter punctuating the air. Blake seemed to be hanging on her every word, his attention fully on her.

Aubrey walked into the courtyard, her eyes momentarily catching on the sight of Cristina and Blake. She felt a pang of discomfort, a knot forming in her stomach. Ignoring the unease, she forced herself to focus on her destination – her class.

As Aubrey made her way through the crowd, Russell suddenly appeared at her side, a smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Aubrey. Fancy seeing you here."

Aubrey's lips curved into a small smile as she looked at Russell. "Hey, Russell. Yeah, just heading to class."

Russell's grin widened as he fell into step beside her. "Well, lucky for me, I'm headed the same way."

As they walked, Russell's friendly banter flowed effortlessly, his easygoing nature making it hard for Aubrey to remain distant. She found herself engaged in their conversation, the awkwardness she had initially felt slowly dissipating. Why couldn't she meet Russel before? She asked herself often.

Meanwhile, Cristina's laughter still echoed in the courtyard, her words captivating Blake's attention. Aubrey couldn't help but notice his deliberate avoidance of her presence. Her heart clenched at the realization that Blake was going out of his way to ignore her.

As Aubrey and Russell continued their conversation, the contrast between their interaction and Cristina and Blake's became more evident. Aubrey's thoughts were a whirlwind of mixed emotions – confusion, hurt, and a touch of anger.Aubrey's interaction with Russell served as a reminder that life was moving forward, whether she was ready for it or not.

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