Chapter 65

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The party was in full swing, the music pulsating through the air, and the guests enjoying themselves. Terrance, always the center of attention, was surrounded by a group of girls who were clearly enamored by his charm.

Cassie watched from a distance as Terrance laughed and flirted with Cristina and her friends, his charisma working its magic on them. She knew he was her family's enemy, that he wished them pain, but her heart still ached at the sight of him enjoying the company of other women.

Cristina, bold and confident, took a step closer to Terrance, her friends giggling in the background. "You're the life of the party, Terrance unlike your brother," she purred, her fingers lightly tracing his arm.

Terrance flashed a roguish grin, not minding the attention one bit. "Well, I do try my best but don't blame Blake he's serious when it comes to building his career," he replied, his voice dripping with charm.

Cassie couldn't tear her eyes away, even though she knew she shouldn't care. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as Riley, one of Cristina's friends, boldly climbed onto Terrance's lap.

Riley, with her bright red lipstick, leaned in, capturing Terrance's lips in a passionate kiss. Cassie watched it unfold, her heart sinking as she saw the way Terrance seemed to enjoy the kiss. She knew he was a master of manipulation, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

Terrance, still locked in the kiss, placed a hand on Riley's back, reciprocating the fervor. Cassie's breath caught in her throat, and she couldn't bear to watch any longer. She turned away, feeling her heartache like a physical ache in her chest.

As she walked away from the scene, she berated herself for allowing her emotions to get the best of her. Terrance had shown his true colors repeatedly, and yet she couldn't deny the complex tangle of feelings he stirred within her.

Back at the edge of the party, Cassie tried to lose herself in the crowd, away from Terrance's charms and the painful sight of him with other women. She reminded herself that he was her enemy, that he intended to hurt her. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't silence the conflicting emotions in her heart.

Cassie decided to dance with Bruce. He seemed like an energetic and lively person. Cassie laughed through out the dance with his silly jokes. As she twirled on the dance floor, she noticed Terrance watching her with a scowl.

After the song ended, he approached her, his voice cold. "Having fun, I see."

Cassie rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin. "Yes, Terrance, I am. This is a party. You bought me for the fun afterall"

His grip on her arm was tight as he pulled her close, the dance floor around them fading away. "You should be dancing with me, not him."

She yanked her arm free, her anger flaring. "Then you'll have to ask me respectfully like normal people. And don't try to control me, I'll dance with whoever I want, Terrance. You don't own me. Not anymore!"

Terrance watched with increasing irritation as Cassie laughed with a random guy at the party. He couldn't stand seeing her with anyone else. The darkness in his heart seemed to grow gradually as he made her laugh, Terrance stormed over, his jaw clenched in anger.

"What's so funny?" he snapped, his tone dripping with jealousy.

Cassie looked at him, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Terrance, don't be so possessive. We're not together."

His grip on his drink tightened. "Cassie, don't forget that that I can still ruin you body and soul" he growled, his anger barely contained. "Remember that."

"You can't blackmail me now Terrance. Unlike you your brother has realized his mistake. He wants to live with my sister peacefully." Anna spoke with confidence.

Terrance was shocked with the new information. "No that can't be....." but Cassie wasn't in any mood to be around him. She left him standing there lost in his thoughts.

As the party proceeded Terrance chased away every boy wandering around Cassie secretly. However one was persistent.
Russell who had always been a close friend of Aubrey's, and he had taken her words to heart when she asked him to look out for her sister Cassie. So when he saw Cassie at the party, he couldn't help but approach her.

"What's wrong?" Russell asked with genuine concern as he approached Cassie, who was standing alone.

Cassie looked up and recognized Russell. "You're Russell, right?" she inquired, a small smile forming on her face. It was a relief to see a familiar face in the midst of the bustling party.

Russell couldn't help but be struck by Cassie's beauty. He nodded in response. "Yes, that's me. Aubrey's friend."Cassie's cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "Thank you for being here with me. I could really use your company." she replied, but then she overheard Russell whispering to himself, "You're beautiful."

Her sudden shyness took her by surprise, and she excused herself, murmuring something about needing to use the bathroom. Once inside, Cassie felt depressed. She let her tears flow overwhelmed with Terrance's behavior. The isolation and pain she felt added more to her misery.

Unbeknownst to her, Terrance had followed her into the bathroom. As she caught sight of him through the mirror, her anger flared. "What do you think you're doing here?" she demanded, her voice laced with frustration.

Terrance, unapologetic, matched her anger with his own. He swiftly pinned her arms above her, their faces inches apart. "Should I ask you why I brought you here?" he retorted sharply. "I brought you here so you could enjoy yourself and put an end to your loneliness. This wasn't supposed to involve you mingling with other men."

Cassie's eyes narrowed at his domineering stance. "I'll do as I please, Terrance," she shot back, refusing to be cowed by his presence. The tension between them was palpable, a silent struggle beneath the surface.The distant sound of music and laughter seemed to fade away as the tension between them reached its peak.
Terrance backed Cassie against the mirror his hands firmly pressing her wrists above her.

Their breaths mingled as their lips met in a fierce, bruising kiss. It was as if they were trying to convey all their anger, jealousy, and longing through the intensity of that single moment.

Cassie's fingers dug into Terrance's shoulders, pulling him closer as if she wanted to erase any space between them. His hands roamed over her back, tracing the contours of her body as if he couldn't get enough. Their mouths moved in a desperate dance.

As their lips finally parted, their breaths came in ragged gasps. Terrance's dark eyes bore into Cassie's with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. His voice was a husky whisper. "You're infuriating, Cassie, but I can't stay away from you.You....You fucking drive me crazy!"

Cassie, her own desire blazing in her eyes, gazed back at him with equal fervor. "Maybe that's the problem, Terrance. Maybe only you can see the craziness in me."

For a moment, they simply stood there, their bodies pressed close, their gazes locked. It was a battle neither had won or lost, but one thing was clear: the passion between them was undeniable, and it had the power to both destroy and heal.

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