Chapter 21

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Cassie's gaze remained fixed on her sister Anna, now engaged to Vincent Sterling. Unshed tears threatened to spill from her eyes, emotions swirling within her like a storm. The weight of the revelation bore down on her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of confusion and hurt.

Terrance, ever observant, noticed Cassie's distress from across the room. An unfamiliar pang tugged at his heart, a sensation that felt uncomfortably close to pain. He felt confused of his own feelings for Cassie,he had kept at bay as he navigated his own intentions and desires.

Suppressing his own conflicted emotions, Terrance made his way through the crowd, his steps determined. He knew that the revelation had rattled Cassie, and he saw an opportunity to insert himself into the situation, to offer a shoulder to lean on and perhaps win her in the process.

"Cass," he greeted softly, his voice carrying a note of concern.

Cassie's eyes turned to him, her emotions barely held in check. "Terrance."

"I can imagine this is a lot to take in," he said, his expression genuine. "If you need to talk, I'm here."

Cassie's lips quivered slightly, a battle between vulnerability and the need to remain composed. She appreciated Terrance's offer, his presence a comfort amidst the chaos of her emotions.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice laden with a mix of gratitude and sadness.

As the night wore on and the party continued, Cassie's facade cracked. With a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude, she found herself wrapping her arms tightly around Terrance in a spontaneous hug. All her senses seemed to swirl within her, and for a moment, she let go of the world around her, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace.

Terrance was caught off guard, his initial shock quickly giving way to a mix of surprise and uncertainty. Her grip was firm, and he could feel the depth of her emotions in the way she clung to him. For all his manipulative tendencies, he couldn't deny the sincerity that radiated from Cassie's hug.

He hesitated for a brief moment before slowly returning the hug, his arms gently encircling her as if they were always meant to be there.This proximity felt both foreign and strangely comforting, his heart beating a little faster as he navigated this unexpected intimacy. This felt more pure, more genuine than his initial lust for her. That was his anger. But this feeling-he couldn't name it.

Cassie's grip eventually loosened, and she pulled back, her eyes meeting Terrance's with a mixture of vulnerability and embarrassment. The moment of emotional release had surprised even her, leaving her feeling both exposed and relieved.

"I miss my mom."

Terrance's heart wavered, a moment of sincerity slipping through his facade. But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, suddenly reminding himself of his own objectives. He had always been adept at reading people, and he saw this situation as a chance to get closer to CJ, using Cassie's vulnerability as a stepping stone.

Cassie's heartache felt momentarily eased. Terrance's presence, his acceptance of her raw emotions, had created a connection that she hadn't anticipated. Little did she know, the unexpected hug had left an impact on Terrance as well, a crack he wasn't himself aware of, a crack in the facade he had carefully crafted.

Little did Cassie know, Terrance's intentions were far more complex than they seemed. And Terrance although ploting to set a trap for her would fall mercilessly in it.

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