Chapter 35

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Aubreys past:

"Please, don't go," Blake pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "Just stay with me tonight. I need you."

Aubrey hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Eventually, they entered his room, where she settled herself awkwardly. Blake's gaze fell upon her innocence, and a pang of protectiveness gripped his heart. He couldn't deny the thought that crossed his mind—he wanted to be her first, to share that moment of vulnerability with her.

"I know this isn't right, but I can't help it," Blake confessed, his voice heavy with desire. "I want you so much."

Aubrey's eyes welled up with tears; she was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. Her body and heart seemed to be in disagreement. "I don't think this is a good idea," she said, a touch of restraint in her voice.

"I'm not the kind of guy who jumps into bed with just anyone." Blake replied with honesty.

Aubrey looked at him, her gaze filled with both longing and hesitation."I know and I trust you so much it hurts me sometimes."
She thought he was beautiful, and she wanted him just as much. The tension between them was palpable, his arousal evident through his jeans. His need for her was unmistakable. In a moment of passion, she kissed him softly, their lips meeting as if they were meant for each other. As they broke apart, she uttered a soft protest, "I want you too but....."

Blake's voice echoed once more, "I'll make love to you." But Aubrey knew deep down that this was a complex situation. "No, it's not right," she murmured with doubt. However, his persistence tugged at her heart. "Please," he implored again. After a hesitant pause, Aubrey finally agreed, "Fine. But we have to be quiet."

They nestled into bed, their teenage brains unable to process anything yet driven by hormones, they were wrapped in each other's arms. Blake's lips found her neck, igniting a soft moan from Aubrey. He nibbled on her ear, his touch eliciting shivers down her spine. Their bodies responded to each other's presence, and Aubrey's hand began to explore him, driven by mutual desire. But Blake redirected her hand under the blanket, a secretive intention in his eyes. "What are you doing?" she questioned.

"You'll see," he replied, guiding her movements along his shaft. A gasp escaped Aubrey's lips as she felt the intimate touch. Blake rolled over her, his lips moving to her sensitive areas. The sensations he evoked made her moan loudly, his explorations arousing her further. Amidst a mix of emotions, Aubrey surrendered to the moment, realizing that they were venturing into uncharted territory together.

Blake shifted, moving closer to Aubrey. With a gentle touch, he conveyed his intentions, parting her legs with care. His lips met her intimately, and Aubrey let out a soft, pleasurable sound. Blake's actions were tender as he explored her responses, eliciting delicate moans from her lips. His skilled touch moved across her sensitive areas, and Aubrey's body responded, experiencing sensations she hadn't felt before.

As the intimate moment deepened, Aubrey's feelings of desire grew, a mix of curiosity and a need for closeness. She yearned for a connection with Blake that transcended words. "Please," she breathed, her voice revealing her longing. Blake looked into her eyes, seeking confirmation and understanding. "Please what?" he inquired softly. "Please make love to me," Aubrey confessed, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability.

Their exchange was delicate, marked by mutual consent. Blake slowly undressed, his movements deliberate as he revealed his body to her. Aubrey watched, her heart racing, as the intimacy between them deepened. Blake's gaze met hers, a silent promise in his eyes.

Aubrey felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as Blake laid himself atop her. Their connection felt profound, his body fitting against hers. "Take me." Aubrey demanded. Gently, he entered her, and Aubrey gasped, the sensation unfamiliar yet exhilarating. Blake's movements were careful at first, his pace reflecting the tenderness of the moment.

As their rhythms synchronized, the sensations intensified, Aubrey's hands clutching at him. She could sense Blake's heightened arousal, his breathing growing heavier. Their shared closeness continued, a silent understanding between them. Aubrey's pleasure grew, reaching its peak, and she released herself to the sensation, her cries a testament to her experience.

Blake's presence remained unwavering, his focus solely on her. The connection they shared felt deeper than the physical act, as if their souls were intertwining. Aubrey felt a sense of completion, a surge of emotion washing over her.

She smiled as the morning light filtered into the room, her gaze resting on Blake as he slept soundly.

With a feeling of contentment,  she saw the bedsheet stained red. The evidence of her desire and love for the boy laying besides her. Aubrey began her day, knowing that the connection she had with Blake was one that would stay with her forever.
Aubrey and Blake's connection deepened over the course of the week. Their time together was marked by lots and lots of protected sex and stolen moments of tenderness and intimacy. They explored each other's thoughts and dreams, discussing everything from favorite childhood memories to their hopes for the future.

Their nights were filled with whispered confessions and soft touches, as they found solace and companionship in each other's arms.

One evening, as they lay naked side by side, staring up at the stars, Aubrey couldn't help but express her feelings. "Blake," she began, her voice soft yet determined, "I've never felt like this before. Being with you feels so right, so natural." Blake turned his head to look at her, his gaze filled with a mixture of affection and vulnerability.

"Aubrey, you have no idea how much you mean to me," he replied, his voice carrying a sincerity that touched her heart. "I've never opened up to anyone like this, but with you, it's different. You make me want to be a better person."

Their connection was undeniable, and each day brought them closer. Aubrey found herself falling deeper in love with Blake's gentle smiles, his thoughtful gestures, and the way he listened to her with genuine interest. Long had she forgotten his conversation with Cristina. She cherished the moments they shared, and her heart swelled with happiness whenever she was in his presence.

The only mistake she had committed was her blind trust in Blake. She hadn't confronted him about his previous reservations, his conversation with Cristina or his bullying.

As the week came to an end, Aubrey knew that what she felt for Blake was more than just a fleeting infatuation. Their bond was growing stronger by the day, and she felt a sense of completeness whenever she was with him. Little did she know that their journey was only beginning, and the challenges and surprises that lay ahead would test their love in unexpected ways.

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