Chapter 42

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Overwhelmed by the vicious words, Aubrey dashed towards the nearest restroom, her stomach churning with a mix of emotions. The hurtful comments had sliced through her like a knife, leaving a deep wound that throbbed with pain. She stumbled into a stall and barely made it in time before her body convulsed, and she emptied the contents of her stomach.

Her chest heaved as her sobs mixed with the sound of her retching. The vile words echoed in her mind, each syllable cutting through her like a sharp blade. Her body trembled, and a wave of dizziness washed over her. The weight of their cruel remarks was almost suffocating, and she clung to the toilet seat for support, her heart racing in her chest.

The bathroom walls seemed to close in on her, the harsh lights casting a cold, unforgiving glow. Aubrey's tears blurred her vision as she gasped for air, trying to regain her composure. The pain in her chest was both physical and emotional, a searing ache that seemed to penetrate deep into her soul.

As the echoes of their hurtful words faded, she found herself grappling with a mixture of anger, humiliation, and disbelief. She felt violated, as if her dignity had been stripped away by their cruelty. Slowly, Aubrey wiped her tear-streaked face and took a deep breath, determined to gather her strength. She had just opened the door when she saw Blake and Cristina entering.

Blake entered the female restroom hesitantly, casting a nervous glance around. Cristina followed closely behind, her determination apparent in her eyes.

"We can't do it, Cristina. Not here," Blake whispered urgently, his voice laced with concern. He knew the risk of their actions being discovered in such a public place.

Cristina, however, was resolute. She had a plan in mind, one that required her to push the boundaries further. She was well aware of Aubrey's vulnerable state, and she was determined to exploit it for her own gain.

Ignoring Blake's protests, Cristina moved closer to him, her eyes locked onto his. Her fingers trailed along his clothed shaft, causing a shiver to run down his spine. "Fuck, Cristina, don't..." Blake's words trailed off as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Unyielding, Cristina undid his belt and exposed his cock from his boxers. She took it into her mouth, her actions both seductive and calculated. Blake's breathing grew ragged as he fought against the sensations coursing through him. "Fuck, dammit, you're so good," he moaned, his resistance waning.

She paused momentarily, lifting her head slightly. Her voice dripped with a manipulative edge as she questioned him, "Am I better than Aubrey?"

Blake's desperation clouded his judgment, his answer spilling out without hesitation. "Yes...yes, far better. Just keep on sucking, please," he begged, his desire overriding any rational thought. In that moment, his mind was consumed by lust, and his moral compass faltered.

Caught in the whirlwind of emotions and sensations, Blake's ability to think logically was compromised. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the intensity of the moment they were sharing.

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