Chapter 53

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Cassie's breath came in ragged gasps as she ran outside, the chilly wind biting at her skin. Her tears mixed with the cold as she sprinted aimlessly, the turmoil inside her matching the chaos of her surroundings.

"Cassie! Cassie, stop!" Terrance's voice echoed behind her, a mix of urgency and desperation. "Cassie!"

But Cassie's pain drowned out everything else. She continued to run, the distance between her and Terrance growing wider with each step. Her sobs were the only sounds that pierced the stillness of the night.

Terrance grew louder, his voice strained as he chased after her. "Cassie! Listen to me! You need to calm down!"

Cassie's vision blurred as she stumbled, her legs giving way beneath her. She fell to her knees, her sobs shaking her entire body. The weight of her emotions was suffocating, and she couldn't find an escape from the torment she felt.

Finally, Terrance caught up to her, his breath heavy as he reached out to grab her shoulder. "Cassie! Just listen to me!"

Cassie's tear-filled eyes met his, her expression a mix of anger and anguish. She recoiled from his touch, her voice raw with pain. "Leave me alone, Terrance. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see your face, let alone hear your voice. You've betrayed me."

Terrance's grip on her shoulder tightened, his determination unwavering. "I know you're upset, Cass, but you can't run away now. Not when everything is how it should have been. I won't let you go."He gleamed at her with an all-knowing smile.

Cassie's voice trembled as she pushed against his hold, her voice choked with emotion. "You want to punish me more, Terrance. You've destroyed everything. My trust, family, Anna... it's all shattered now."

Terrance's eyes held a sinister look. "Cassie this is only the beginning."

Cassie's sobs escalated, her heartache consuming her. "You're a monster! I can't forgive you for this. I'll never forgive you."

Terrance's grip tightened as he looked at her with a mad expression. "I was always one. I was born one. Pity, you were naive after all. Stupid and dumb." He mocked her.

Cassie's eyes burned with anger and pain. "I don't care about you anymore. Just go away, Terrance. I can't bear to be around you anymore."

Terrance's gaze held determination. "I won't fucking let you go, Cass. Keep that in your thick skull. Not until I avenge the sins of your family."

Cassie's cries echoed through the night as she sobbed uncontrollably, her emotions a whirlwind of grief, anger, and confusion. Her fists pounded weakly against Terrance's chest as she struggled against his grip.

"What more do you want? I've given you everything," she cried, her voice trembling with a mixture of anguish and desperation. "The only family I have, you've taken that away. Why?"

Terrance's grip remained firm, his expression a mix of frustration and something darker. "Stop it, Cassie! I said stop it!" His voice was sharp and commanding, cutting through her cries. "You'll do what I say, or Vincent is going to ruin Anna's life. You want to protect her, don't you?"

Cassie's sobs tapered off into hiccupping breaths as she looked at Terrance through tear-blurred eyes. The pain in her heart was raw, but his words ignited a flicker of fear within her. She knew the depth of Anna's love for Vincent, and the thought of her sister suffering because of her actions was too much to bear.

"Vincent... he won't stop, will he?" Cassie's voice quivered as she whispered the question, a realization settling in her chest like a heavy weight.

Terrance's expression held a sinister satisfaction. "No, Cass. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. And if you don't cooperate, Anna's happiness will be the price."

Cassie's shoulders slumped, defeated. The fight seemed to drain out of her as she looked at Terrance, her voice barely above a whisper. "What do you want from me? What do I have to do to protect Anna?"

A cruel smile tugged at Terrance's lips as he loosened his grip on her. "Good. That's more like it, Cassie. You'll do exactly as I say, without question. If you want to save Anna from more pain, you'll do exactly as I tell you."

Cassie's gaze remained fixed on the ground, her tears staining the cold pavement. The weight of her choices was heavy, the knowledge that her actions were being coerced for the sake of her sister's well-being an agonizing reality.

As the night grew darker around them, Cassie's will wavered. She had to find a way to protect Anna, to navigate this twisted game of manipulation and deceit. But one thing was clear: her journey was far from over, and the forces at play were more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.
In secrecy, Cassie managed to retrieve the files from her father's office, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. She cautiously handed them over to Terrance, who accepted them with a wide, malicious smirk. "Ah, my personal pet," he sneered, his tone dripping with cruelty. "You'll be a good dog in our little game."

Cassie's eyes burned with a mix of resentment and rebellion as she met Terrance's gaze head-on. That glint of defiance was something he recognized all too well, and it only fueled his desire to exert control over her.

Terrance relished in her discomfort, knowing he held the upper hand. He leaned in closer, his tone mocking. "You thought you could challenge me, Cassie? You're in way over your head."

Cassie's jaw clenched as she fought to keep her emotions in check. Terrance's taunts were like daggers, but she wasn't about to let him see her falter.

Terrance's grin only widened, his eyes glinting with a dark amusement. He knew he had to remind her of her place, to strip away any last shred of resistance. "So, my dear, I have another task for you. Something that will prove just how much control I have."

Cassie's gaze flickered with a mix of curiosity and dread. She knew that whatever he had in mind was likely to further tighten his grip on her, to make her even more entangled in the web of manipulation he had woven.

Terrance's voice turned low and dangerous. "I want to fuck. You...... Anytime, anyday, whenever I want I'll tell you the place."

Cassie's heart sank at the request, the weight of the task settling heavily on her shoulders. But she refused to show her apprehension, refusing to give Terrance the satisfaction.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you? I'm not gonna be anyone's slut." Cassie's voice was laced with a bitter edge, her gaze locked onto his.

Terrance's grin remained, his demeanor unyielding. "Who the fuck do you think you are to deny my request! You're my slut. And I always intended to make you one."

Cassie's mouth hung open, the words trapped in her throat as her eyes widened in shock. Her heart raced as Terrance leaned in, his hand finding its place closer to her core." I don't know how much longer I can wait," his voice was a low, velvety whisper that ignited a fire within her. "But I'm not giving up until I've fucked every inch of you."

A shiver ran down Cassie's spine, her skin tingling with a heady mixture of fear and desire. The air crackled with an electric tension she had never experienced before. She had never felt this kind of attraction, this magnetic pull, towards anyone in her life. Terrance was a force of nature, an embodiment of raw sensuality that left her breathless.

His eyes, dark and intense, bore into her like a smoldering storm of heat and longing. It was as if his gaze alone could set her ablaze. He was everything she had ever yearned for in a man, a potent mix of mystery, allure, and danger. But he was also something entirely new, an enigma that defied her understanding.

A wave of conflicting emotions surged within her. Her trust embedded deep within him was now broken. The love however was still there. She felt heartbroken with his brutal betrayal. 'A wolf, indeed, he was, cunning and betraying her at her weakest point'. Unknowingly he had broken her heart too or knowingly she had no idea.

Game of Deceit ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن