Chapter 26

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In the days leading up to Anna and Vincent's wedding, the Martinez household buzzed with activity. The house was transformed into a hub of wedding preparations, with floral arrangements, seating plans, and a whirlwind of decorations taking shape. Anna, with her meticulous attention to detail, oversaw everything, her excitement evident in every gesture. She wanted an intimate wedding. Her father had agreed to her demand. Vincent on the other hand was busy in the office with zero involvement in the preparations, yet Anna was understanding.

The youngest sister Cassie found herself more and more drawn to Terrance with passing time, their conversations becoming a routine escape from the chaos. Their bond strengthened as they shared stories, laughed at inside jokes, and found solace in each other's company.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Cassie discovered a friend who seemed to understand her in ways she hadn't expected. Meanwhile, Cassie's unease grew whenever Chloe was around. Despite Chloe's kindness, Cassie couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was amiss. Guilt gnawed at her, for she sensed that Chloe's intentions weren't as pure as they seemed.

Aubrey, on the other hand, found herself forming an unexpected friendship with Russell, the college playboy known for his charisma. She had met his at the party forming a spontaneous bond with him. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, and Aubrey discovered layers to Russell that went beyond his reputation. Yet, amid their budding friendship, she couldn't help but wonder about the missed opportunity of Blake's friendship. Regret and anger mingled within her, directed not only at herself but also at Cristina and Blake for their past betrayals.
One evening, in the midst of the wedding preparations, Anna had assigned both Blake and Aubrey the responsibility of the managing food items at the wedding. She knew how Aubrey just loved tasting foods.

However, tensions boiled over between Aubrey and Blake when they disagreed on the cake. Fueled by their shared history and unresolved conflicts, their words became sharp and cutting. Blake's snarky remarks were aimed to wound, and Aubrey's anger flared as she fought to match his intensity.

"I should have known you'd never change, Blake," Aubrey retorted, her voice edged with frustration.

Blake's laughter was bitter as he shot back, "Oh, don't worry, Aubrey. I'm just as surprised as you are that you're still holding onto your self-righteousness."

The tension in the air was suffocating as Aubrey and Blake stood face to face, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. The room seemed to shrink around them, the weight of their shared history and simmering resentment hanging between them like a heavy fog.

"I can't believe you're still the same arrogant, selfish jerk you were back then," Aubrey spat, her voice dripping with bitterness.

Blake's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing as he retorted, "And I can't fucking believe you're still playing the victim, Aubrey. You act like the world owes you something."

The words struck a nerve, a flash of anger igniting in Aubrey's eyes. "You have no idea what I went through after you abandoned me, Blake. You left me to deal with the aftermath of your cruelty all on my own."

Blake's fists clenched at his sides, his voice laced with frustration. "You think I didn't have my own demons to battle? You weren't the only one hurting, Aubrey."

Aubrey's laughter was mirthless, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, poor Blake, tortured soul. Is that your excuse for treating people like dirt? Because you had your own issues?"

Blake's eyes blazed with a mix of anger and hurt. "You think you're so righteous, don't you? Always playing the martyr while conveniently forgetting your own mistakes."

Aubrey's nostrils flared, her voice rising as her anger boiled over. "You humiliated me, Blake. You made my life hell, and you have the audacity to stand there and act like you're the victim?"

Blake's voice was venomous as he shot back, "You brought this on yourself with your self-righteous attitude and holier-than-thou act."

The room seemed to vibrate with their pent-up emotions, their voices escalating into a fierce crescendo the staff looked shocked but fearing their authority no one dared to stop them.Aubrey's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice trembling as she spoke through clenched teeth. "I regret ever caring about you, Blake. You're nothing but a toxic presence in my life."

Blake's face twisted into a bitter smirk. "Funny how you're still here, then. Maybe deep down, you enjoy the drama as much as I do."

Aubrey's resolve wavered, her fists trembling at her sides. "I hate you, Blake. I hate what you did to me, and I hate that you still have this power over me."

Blake's expression softened momentarily, a flicker of regret crossing his features. But then he hardened, his voice cold and calculated. "Good. Maybe that'll finally help you see that I'm not the one you should be blaming for your problems."

Aubrey's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice cracking with raw emotion. "I'm not playing the victim, Blake. I'm standing up for myself against someone who hurt me, who made me feel like I wasn't worth anything."

Blake's voice was cold and cutting, his words like a dagger to her heart. "Maybe you're right. Maybe you're not worth anything."

Aubrey's restraint snapped, her hand moving on instinct as she slapped him across the face. The sound echoed in the room, a sharp slap of reality that left a mark on their tumultuous relationship.

Blake's hand rose to his cheek, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and shock. "You'll regret that, Aubrey."

Aubrey's breaths came in ragged bursts as she walked towards the car. Her voice shaking as she spat her words out. "Regret? Just like I regret ever letting you into my life. You're poison, Blake. Toxic and destructive."

She stepped back from him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry, but you can't be trusted. Not anymore."You don't know what you're talking about," he growled, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

"Don't think I won't come after you Aubrey."

She shook her head, her mouth twisting into a bitter smile."I'm not afraid of you anymore. You don't scare me."
He stepped towards her, his body tense with rage. "You should be."

Blake wanted to fuck that attitude out of her. He wanted to kiss those lips , how could such innocent features conceal such hatred? But his sane part told him to hold her, express his love for her. But her stubbornness, it stood in the way. It turned him on. He was keen on having hot wild sex with Aubrey. Such sick thoughts were coming to surface foging his sanity.

"Don't you dare touch me!" she shouted, her voice breaking. She managed to get in the car followed by Blake. "Get out!" His eyes narrowed, his hands balled into fists as he took a step towards her. "Get out?" He laughed. "Is this how it's going to be now?"

His eyes bored into hers, his lips curling into a cruel sneer. "Or do you want me to take you right here, like I did years ago?

"No." Aubrey whispered, her voice barely more than a whisper. Her heart accelerated with the traumatic past.

"Get out" she spoke calmy the ragged breaths gave away the calamity inside. Her tearstrikken face was imprinted in Blakes mind. But he wasn't affected a bit. His insides were stronger than he led people on.

Aubrey knew he wasn't gonna go. Not before. Not now, so she turned away, wiping her eyes. Running away was easier. She paused for a moment, looking back at him one last time before she opened the car and slipped out.

"Yeah! Run away..Run away like you always do" Blake knew the damage had been done yet he still couldn't bring himself to ask for her forgiveness.

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