Chapter 59

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As their college days drew to a close, Blake and Aubrey found themselves facing the inevitable question of what came next. Blake had been working on something big—a new architecture company in New York City. He had a vision, and he wanted Aubrey to be a part of it. He waited for the right moment to broach the subject.

Aubrey stood before her mirror, carefully choosing her outfit for the evening. She wanted to look good, but not too good—just enough to make a statement, nothing more. After all, tonight was about friendship, not romance.

As she entered the restaurant where they had agreed to meet, she spotted Blake waiting at a corner table. He looked handsome in his casual attire, a warm smile on his face when he saw her.

"Hey, Aubrey," Blake greeted her as she approached, pulling out a chair for her. "You look amazing."

Aubrey smiled, her cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "Thank you, Blake. You look great too." The formality developing after their last encounter.

They ordered their meals and engaged in light conversation, their friendship slowly finding its footing again. Aubrey couldn't help but notice how easy it was to be around him, the years of history they shared making it feel effortless.

As the evening wore on, Aubrey decided it was time to address the unspoken tension between them. She looked into Blake's eyes, her own filled with sincerity. "Blake, I want you to know something. I value our friendship more than anything, and I can't afford to lose you again. I'm willing to forget everything for this friend ship."

Blake nodded saddly, understanding the weight of her words. "I feel the same way, Aubrey. I don't want to jeopardize what we have either. I realize we're better off being just friends."

Aubrey smiled sadly, relieved that they were on the same page. "So, let's keep this friendship strong, okay? No complications, just us being there for each other."

Blake reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "Agreed, Aubrey. Friends first."

Their understanding was like a weight lifted from Aubrey's shoulders. She knew that their friendship was too precious to risk, and she was grateful that Blake felt the same way.

As their conversation flowed Blake decided it was time to share his idea. "Aubrey," he began, "I've been thinking about the future, and I have a proposition for you."

Aubrey looked at him, curious. "What is it?"

"I'm starting my own architecture firm in New York City," Blake explained. "And I want you to be a part of it. I've seen your talent, Aubrey, and I know you'd be a valuable addition to the team."

Aubrey hesitated, her mind racing with possibilities. She had always dreamed of working in a big city, and the idea of doing so with her friend by her side was tempting. "It's a generous offer, Blake, but......I need some time to think about it."

Blake nodded, respecting her need to ponder such a significant decision. "Of course, take your time. But if you decide to join, we'd leave for New York by the end of the month to set things up."

Aubrey took a deep breath. She knew this was a rare opportunity, and she didn't want to let it slip away. With a determined look in her eyes, she replied, "Okay, Blake. I'll do it. I'll be ready by the end of the month."

Blake smiled, his excitement palpable. "That's great news, Aubrey. I can't wait to see what we can achieve together in the big city."

Their shared adventure was about to begin, and neither of them could predict the incredible journey that lay ahead in the bustling streets of New York City.
Terrance had been keeping a close watch on Blake and Aubrey's budding friendship. He knew that Blake had taken Aubrey out for dinner, and it didn't sit well with him. With their family's history mingled with the Martinez he didn't want Blake to be associated with Aubrey romantically.

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