Chapter 28

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Vincent sat in his office, his attention occasionally drifting to the clock on his desk. He had been anticipating Anna's arrival, looking forward to the moment he could take her home, discuss the wedding details and be done with it. As the minutes ticked by, the door to his office opened, and his secretary entered with a polite smile.

"Vincent, here are the reports you requested," she said, placing a stack of papers on his desk.

Vincent's brows furrowed slightly,  flickering in his eyes. "Thank you," he replied, his tone polite but distracted with other ideas.

"You gonna get married soon so.....," she said with a smirk. Vincent knew what she wanted and he wasn't celibate either. ''I know but that won't stop me from getting a blowjob from you right now."He unzipped his pants, locked the door and pulled the blinds.

Vincent didn't really have time to waste, he was busy trying to keep his cock from slipping out of her mouth. She had his balls in one hand and was kneading them gently while she sucked on the head of his dick.

The sensation was amazing and he felt like he could cum at any moment. Vincent tried to pull away from her but she held onto him tightly. "Don't move," she said, "I want to make this last as long as possible."

"But....Oh fuckkk"

He couldn't help it but Annas thought did cross his mind; yet he was too consumed with desire to hold back. He pulled celines hands up to grab her hair and forced himself deeper into her mouth. He started fucking her face hard, pulling her hair.

Her eyes were watering slightly but she never stopped sucking. After a few minutes of this she pulled off of him completely and looked up at him with a smile. "Did you like that?" she asked.
Vincent couldn't help but nod. Celine was good in her job.

Vincent's thoughts involuntarily drifted to Anna, the woman he found himself both drawn to and conflicted about. He presented himself a saint before her; a lie that he wasn't guilty of. Vincent would have a special place in hell after he was done with the Martinez family.

What he wasn't aware of was the deranged relation between his victims and the guilty. While the bloodline of a wrongdoer may flow within their children, it does not dictate their destinies; they forge their own paths.

Vincent couldn't deny the striking beauty that Anna possessed—the way her black hair framed her face, her dull bloodless lips that urdged him to bite them, her long sharp, pointed nose that added a touch of elegance, and those doe-like eyes that held an undeniable attraction.  

Despite his feelings of resentment towards her family and the name Martinez, he couldn't help but admit that Anna was deserving of praise for her hard work and sincerity.

There was a certain grace in the way Anna carried herself, a mix of determination and vulnerability that intrigued Vincent. He appreciated the effort she put into the company.Yet, beneath it all, there was a layer of complexity that he couldn't ignore. The name Martinez held a weight that he couldn't dismiss, a reminder of his own painful history and the reasons for his vengeance.

Vincent's internal struggle was a constant battle between his slowly growing admiration for Anna and the deep-rooted resentment he held for her father.

Vincent wasn't weak. Nothing could waver his resolve once he had decided. Yet he couldn't deny that Anna deserved better than the situation she had involuntarily found herself in. And while his heart urged him to let go of his hate, the shadows of the past seemed to loom larger than ever, casting a shadow over any potential reconciliation.

Amidst his inner turmoil, Vincent's thoughts remained a complex mix of admiration and bitterness. His feelings  too were a tangled web.

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