Chapter Two

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"Grandpa! How you been!" Jimin threw himself, very carefully, on Iseul for a hug.

"I would think you guys would be tired of me by now."

"Never grandpa! We love you." Hoseok responded as he made his way to get a hug and a kiss as well.

All of them lined up to greet their old neighbor and then shuffled around in his room.

"I'm sure you all know by now but the house sold." Iseul saw how their faces dropped.

"Yeah there was a moving truck earlier this week, but we haven't met anyone yet."

"Oh Jinnie, don't be too excited now." Iseul couldn't help the love he felt in his chest. They really cared for him.

"Anyways, since you all came to see me today, and it's so close to an important date, I have a gift for you." He pulled out a black velvet box and handed it to the oldest.

Seokjin took it and opened the small box to find a beautiful pearl ring.

"Oh my God! We can't have this." Seokjin quickly closed the box and pushed it back in Iseul's hand, only to have it shoved back into his.

Taehyung reached over to take a look and his eyes became moist when he saw what it was. He would recognize the ring anywhere.

"But we can't accept this. It's—"

"Yes you can. This is my most loved and priced possession. This is the ring I proposed to Ae-cha with when we got married. It has been a witness to the life we spent together. She wanted to give this herself but time didn't permit. I know your fifth year anniversary is coming up on the thirteenth so please take this ring. We wanted you seven to have it. May it bring you more love."

Hoseok reached over and put it on his hand. His delicate fingers a perfect fit.

"See, maybe all of you can wear it."

Namjoon bowed by the appreciation he felt at that moment, followed by the others. All their hearts tender at the gesture.

"Boys stop with this nonsense! Now tell me Seokjin? Did you get the promotion?"

The afternoon was spent catching up and laughing.

They couldn't stop themselves to think the ring to be a parting gift. A reality they didn't want to face. They decided to think of it when the time came, but for now, they were going to enjoy every second they had.


It was Tuesday getting home from work when the group of soulmates notices two cars parked next door.

A red and a grey car.

Their moods soured knowing the moving was official. They didn't want new neighbors even when they knew it was inevitable.

Shit happens.

The next day Seokjin and Yoongi decided to stop by the store to get toilet paper and a plant to welcome them.

None of them wanted to go, specifically the three youngest, but after coughing up the courage, they made their way next door.

Namjoon knocked with Seokjin and Hosoek next to him, the others stood behind the three.

They heard a 'coming' and soon enough the door opened to reveal a tall men, dark tan skin, dark hair and brown eyes. His glasses made him look smart and sexy, beautiful smile.

"Hello." His Korean had an accent.

"Hello. We just wanted to welcome you. We live next door." Namjoon bowed and extended their gifts to him.

Erick took it, a little perplexed on the gift.

"Baby, who is it?" They heard a women's voice talk in English. Pretty soon a second person stood next to the men. She looked upon a group of men, all very handsome. She noted how some of them were even taller than her boyfriend.

"Hi! Sorry we came to bother, but we wanted to introduce ourselves. We live next door to you guys." Namjoon decided to speak in English.

She had almond shaped hazel eyes and long curly hair. She stood a little bit shorter than Jimin, with rosy cheeks, and a beautiful smile. She had Korean features but they were very subtle, almost nonexistent.

Aila laughed as he saw Erick's face looking down at the toilet paper. He still wasn't accustom to some Korean traditions.

"No it's perfectly fine. Thank you so much for the gift," her Korean was great, which surprised them, "do you guys want to come in? I just finished making some Korean pancakes we were going to give out."

She didn't even wait for their response as she disappeared behind the door.

"I'm sorry about her. It's ok if you guys have something to do."

"No it's fine, we can come in." Everyone piled in and took their shoes off.

"Sorry we don't have slippers."

"It's fine." Namjoon responded as he followed Erick into the kitchen.

The soulmates took a look around the house. The walls have been painted a light cream color, almost white. The roof had been extended, making the walls taller, and the small house seem bigger. It was decorated with natural woods, browns and beiges, and textures of the same colors. Minimal artwork decorated the walls.

The house smelled amazing. Upon entering the kitchen, their mouths start watering at the yummy smell.

Aila had began to pack the food to give out to their neighbors. So as soon as the new acquaintances came into the dining room, she gave everyone a tub, still warm from the pancakes.

"I'm so happy we got you meet you guys! I hope you all like the treats!" Her energy came through as she smiled. She looked at them expecting something when Namjoon remembered, they still had to introduce themselves.

"I'm Namjoon."

"Hello, I'm Hoseok."






"My name's Erick and this is Aila. We just moved in earlier this week."

"Yea we know. We saw the moving truck." Jimin elbowed Yoongi.

"Sorry we hoped we didn't bother you with the moving."

"Don't worry about it Aila-ssi."

Jimin? Was his name? He had a cute eye smile. Aila looked over and saw one of them, the one with big doe eyes looking behind her.

"I almost forgot! I made churros and banana bread muffins." She shuffled to the plates and picked the one up with churros and offered it to the young men.

Jungkook hesitated but the smell of the churros made him cave in. A hum of satisfaction escaped his mouth as the sweetness of the sugar and the freshness of the bread invaded his taste buds.

It was really good.

She quickly offered the others, her smile even bigger when she saw all their responses. She loved when people ate her food. Erick worked out and always tried to eat healthy, so sweets are not really his thing.

"You should bake them your coconut cake and that truffle one you like so much." They smiled at how her eyes lit up at Erick's suggestion.

Maybe the new neighbors weren't going to be so bad after all.

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