Chapter Twenty Five

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Jimin was nervous.

He was finally getting ready to met Namjoon.

Hoseok didn't tell Namjoon right away about having another soulmate. Mainly because Jimin didn't want to.

He didn't believe Namjoon was his soulmate.

Jimin wasn't pretty enough for Jungkook.

He wasn't smart enough for Jungkook.

He wasn't enough.

So why would destiny, fate, or the cosmic energy, whatever he wanted to believe in, give him not one but two more soulmates?

Jimin didn't believe Hoseok was his, not when they met, not even when they went through their first bonding ritual.

Jimin couldn't believe Hoseok was real. The older would bring him his favorite snacks, food, ask about his day, or stay over at his place.

Jimin had a hard time adapting to having someone care for him. He was so used to doing the caring it felt weird being in the receiving end.

But Hoseok didn't give up. He showered Jimin with tactile touches, with sweet words, kind smiles.

He didn't give up, not when Jimin shut his mind, thinking Hoseok was going to be like Jungkook.

Little by little, Jimin changed.

It had taken Hoseok four months and now they were waiting to pick Namjoon up at the train station.

Hoseok reached over and laced his fingers with Jimin's, providing the younger with strength.

"Don't worry, Namjoon's just a big teddy bear. Just don't leave anything valuable out, he might break it." Hoseok showed his signature heart smile, making Jimin's heart spike up even more.

"Oh there he is! Namjoon-ah!" Jimin's heart quickened as he saw a tall boy approach them. Damn he was tall. Not to mention, he was bigger than Jimin.

Jimin felt small and hid behind Hoseok.

He didn't think they would be soulmates. There's no way.

Even though Namjoon still needed to mature into a man, his smile and dimples were to die for. Jimin wasn't blind, he was handsome.

Both of them were handsome. There's no way they belonged to him.

"Namjoon, this is Jimin. Jimin this is Namjoon." Both boys starred into each others eyes. Namjoon thought he was adorable. He came up to his eyes in height. He was smaller than Hoseok, fluffy cheeks and deep down eyes.

"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you. Sorry it took so long for me to get to Seoul." Jimin looked up from his feet and looked at Namjoon. He looked sincere enough.

"Now let's stop with all this apologies! Namjoon you are staying for three days so let's go have fun!"


The days had gone great. They laughed, went places, ate lot of food, told each other embarrassing stories, talked about their dreams and aspirations, everything went great, except for the part Namjoon physically stayed away from Jimin.

Jimin didn't want say anything, maybe Namjoon wanted to get to know him a little bit. But when the second day came around and Namjoon was still staying away from him like he was a plague, Jimin started to think Namjoon didn't want him.

His mind started to confirm his negative thoughts about himself. Namjoon didn't want him. Why would he? He has Hoseok who is more talented than him. He's more pretty. He doesn't have these stupid chubby cheeks.

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