Chapter Seventy Three

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Aila heard the doorbell ring and then the door click open.

They planned it the day after it was mentioned. Now it was Saturday and Nyala, Maria and Antônia were all going to sleep over.

None of the boys were going to be allowed.

A girls night in.

Aila didn't know what had gotten into her, but she bought a queen size bed. However now seeing how people might stay over the night, she was glad. It was enough for one of the girls to sleep with her and she had gone out to get floor mattress and comforters for them to sleep.

"Oh My God! We fucking made it!" Maria exclaimed as soon as she stepped in.

Aila rushed over to help them with their bags.

"Why? What happened?"

"Some asshole decided to be a racist bastard and tell us shit in the metro."

Aila felt herself gasp at Maria's words.

"But you should have seen it. Nyala told him off like the black queen she is, in Korean, and with the fancy words she likes to use. Left the fucker dumbfounded, couldn't even began to form a response. I thought he was going to dig a whole and bury himself." Antônia giggled.

Aila felt sad. She herself knew about the discrimination against women and the prejudice against foreigners.

"Aww baby, it's fine. I promise he won't say shit to anyone else any time soon." Nyala went up to Aila and gave her a comfortable arm squeeze.

"Anyways... we brought food, snacks, soju and tequila, lots of it." Maria said as she and Aila placed bags on the kitchen counter.

Aila wasn't surprised as she heard glass bottles clink against each other.

"Just... why?"

"Why what my love?"

"Why so much alcohol?"

"Oh well if we don't finish it tonight then we have a reason to come back!" Antônia happily answered Aila's question.

Aila could only chuckle. They were so... different. She liked them. The way they seemed to act like they have known her for a long time made her feel fuzzy, warm.

It it possible to connect with people, not based on the time spent, but because there's something else that just binds them together?

She just felt so at home, so comfortable, so happy.

Thinking back at having all of them present at her apartment, made her feel full, feelings wise. She loved having them there, talking, eating, getting to know each other. It had been one of her happiest moments, all just sitting on the floor taking into late at night.

"Ok so, let's get comfortable."

"Here, let me put these things away and you guys can go get ready."

"Aila you are an angel. I need to go take a shower."

"Oh wait, I need to take one too." Antônia hurried behind Maria as she went into the bedroom.

"Wait, are they going to shower together?"

"Most probably like yeah." Nyala answered watching closely Aila's reaction.

"Oh, I guess that must happen often."

"Umm it happens but only for one reason."

Aila stopped what she was doing to briefly think about that answer.

For one reason

Aila smiled to herself.

"Did you take showers with Erick?"

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