Chapter Twenty Three

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Jungkook was confused. Did he get the wrong number. He stared at the male in front of him.

This place couldn't have been Jimin's. As far as Jimin's mom had told him, the dorms only housed one person.

"Can I help you?" The male was tall, taller than Jungkook, slim body, long sharp nose, heart shaped lips and a sharp jaw. His hair was long, parted in the middle, with some waves to it.

He was handsome.

"Baby who's at the door?" Jungkook's heart dropped as he heard Jimin's sweet voice call from behind the man.


"I don't know Chim... kid can I help you?" Jungkook stood frozen. No this wasn't supposed to happen.

Not like this.

"Baby what's taking so long, come cuddle me." Jimin's voice got near as he walked over to were his boyfriend was standing. He wanted to see what was holding him up.

Jimin's smile dropped as he got to the door and saw Jungkook standing out side his door.


Jimin didn't feel good.

He was going great in his classes. He had made three friends that had helped him out getting around school as well as the city.

He had lost some of his weight. His cheeks didn't look as chubby anymore, but his body still kept his define muscles. It was probably due to the fact he threw himself into dance.

He missed Jungkook. He needed him and the only thing that made him feel alive was when he danced, when his mind forgot about the younger and his body let loose to the beat of the music. Dancing was the only thing keeping him alive, so that's what he did. He poured himself into dancing.

He practiced late into the night. At times he would be up so late, he would get home, take a shower and head to school just so he could get out and dance more.

Everyone thought he was passionate about dancing, his teachers clearly impressed with his dedication and love, but no one really saw him.

No one saw past his precise and fluid movements, no one saw the pain his dance held.

No one saw he was drowning.

However another dancer did.

The dancer had stayed late one night practicing the choreography for a K-pop group. He had been given the chance to choreograph an upcoming debuting group's first solo. He was over the moon with the chance he had been given and he wasn't going to waste his chance.

He wanted to make his parents and his soulmate proud.

He finished late at night, around three in the morning. He thought he was the only one in the studio when he heard music coming from down the hall.

He's very weak at heart, easily scared and frightened but he was more curious at who could be practicing at such evil time in the night. So he moved slowly towards the soft lit practice room only to be blown away.

There stood a boy, no an angel who seem to float over the dance floors. He didn't know how he could make it look like he was gliding through the floor, movements sharp but graceful.

He was shorter than him, and very pretty. He had a glow around him, cute button nose and thick lips.

But his dance, it was so painful to watch. It hurt his soul. It made him feel like he was lost or had lost something very important to him. The only think that came to mind was ever loosing his soulmate. He would be beyond devastated if that happened.

He didn't mean to watch the boy as he dance to forget his pain, but he couldn't walk away either.


This was the third time the dancer had stayed late to watch the other boy.

He kept telling himself it wasn't creepy, he did it more to admire him, secretly. He just couldn't get over the emotions transmitted in his dance.

He told himself it wasn't creepy, no, not creepy at all just standing off in the dim lit hallway, peeking through the crack of the door.

He had done some researched, asked around and had found out his name was Jimin, one year younger than him. He had moved from Busan to study dance. Just that little fact made him fell closer to Jimin, for he had done the same.

Hoseok peaked through the door, watching Jimin dance, exhaustion clearly on his body. Hoseok didn't know if he was that in love or that crazy for dance. He quietly walked away leaving Jimin dancing with his demons.


"So I heard Hoseok was asking about you?" Jimin looked at Mark.

"Who is Hoseok?"

"He's the one that got the chance to choreograph that idols group debut song."

Ah. Jimin heard the buzz around the students. Apparently the guy was really good, top of his grade.

"I don't know why, I haven't met him."

"Well he was asking around if anyone knew who keeps staying up late after class." Jimin stopped mid air in taking his bite.

"I thought you told me you were going to stop. You can't keep doing this Min." Mark really did care Jimin. At first it was ok but know it was unhealthy for him to practice so many hours.

"I'll stop. I just need to get my dance right for the showcase. Promise." Mark didn't believe his answer but he didn't want to argue with him.


It's closed.

Hoseok made his way down the hall where the music was playing. He had gone late into the early morning practicing the choreo, almost done and perfected. So he called it a night and silently walked down the hall to look at his angel.

However when he got to the studio, the door was closed with the music playing louder than the previous nights.

Hoseok knew not to try and peek, but his curiosity was greater. He placed his hand very carefully and twisted the doorknob all the way. He made sure to push the door slowly, thankful for the loud music drowning the noise it made. He peaked through the crack, however the pretty dancer was not in the center of the floor like usual.

Hoseok frowned. Clearly, someone was there. He pushed his head in a little and looked around.

There was no one. The music was playing but no one was dancing to it. Hoseok wanted to step in but decided against the idea. He closed the door, careful to not make noise.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Hoseok screamed out of his mind as he jumped and backed into the door.

His heart spiked up and he almost passed out from screaming. He fell to the floor holding on to his chest. He almost cried.

"Why would you do that!? What the fuck is wrong with you!" Hoseok's voice cracked as he tried to talk.

Jimin busted laughing, he didn't think he had scared the older boy that much. But the way he had screamed, high pitched, and how he fell to the ground, told Jimin he wasn't faking it.

Hoseok's nerves began to calm down as he listened to his laugh. It was so airy and squeaky. He saw Jimin bent over laughing and fell to the ground.

It was so pure. He seemed so free.

Hoseok started to laugh with him. Both boys holding onto their stomachs.

"Sorry, I didn't think I would scare you that much." Hoseok took a good look at the younger, finally being close to him.

He was beautiful. His eyes disappeared as his cheeks puffed up from his smile, his front tooth a little crooked. His hair a dirty blond color.

"Here let me help you." Jimin stood up and extended his hand towards Hoseok, not knowing that simple gesture would change his world.

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