Chapter Forty Seven

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"It's fine don't worry."

"But it's my fault you are sick."

Aila wanted to reach over and hug Jungkook and tell him it wasn't.

She had stared to feel a raspy feeling in the back of her throat, along with a pain in her ear. Pretty soon, she was coughing with a light fever.

It wasn't as bad as Jungkook's. Poor guy spent two days with a fever that just wouldn't go away. Seokjin said if he didn't get better he would take him to the hospital. But on the third day, the fevers stopped.

Aila had taken off work both days to take care of him.

She cooked soups and fed them to him. Made sure to give him medicine on time and just watch over Jungkook, making sure nothing got out of hand.

She also gave him lots of cuddles, even when it seemed like he had become quiet with her.

But now, she was the one that was sick.

"It's ok Kookie. Hyung's staying with her." Taehyung went up to his baby and gave him a back rub, trying to make the younger feel better about giving his sickness to Aila.

"Joonie, just.. please, please don't give the girl a hard time. Try to not burn the house down."

"It's ok Jinnie. I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday." Aila smiled at her roommates.

Jungkook was the one that felt the worst. She had been there, taking care of him during his worst days and he couldn't do the same.

He couldn't take the day off yesterday and he couldn't do it today either.

"You guys don't need to worry. I feel a lot better today. I promise."

"Well it doesn't matter because Joonie doesn't have class today."

"Minie, he has a lot of paper work. Please Joon, if you need to go, I can stay. I feel way better than yesterday."

Aila could feel the hesitation Namjoon had. He needed to get a lot of work done but he wanted to stay with Aila.

She had already spent one day by herself.

"I just need to do something at the university. I can come back in the afternoon." Namjoon finally said, guilty when everyone looked at him.

However Aila held the sweetest smile as she looked at him.

He couldn't look away from her. Her hair was up in a pony tail, frizz sticking from the sides. She was dressed in an old stained shirt and men's pajama pants that were also stained.

She looked tired.

Yet Namjoon found her beautiful. Her smile had become one of his favorite sceneries to gaze upon.

"It's ok Joonie. I was actually going to ask you guys something and only if it's ok."

"What's up?" Taehyung leaned over and messed with her hair. She smacked his hand away and tried to fix it.

Taehyung smiled as she struggled to fix her hair for a bit.

"Can I have company over?"

"Company? Who's coming over?" Yoongi asked, curious.

"There's no need to ask! Of course you can! If they are coming over then I won't be mad at Namjoon for not staying with you."

"Jinnie, it's not his fault he needs to work. But thank you!"

"Who is it?" Everyone looked expectedly from Hoseok's question.

"Umm, so I was supposed to go on a date with Jay yesterday but I couldn't go because I got sick. So he asked if he could come over with some lunch. He wanted to check on me." She looked down as she fiddled with her hands.

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