Chapter Sixteen

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Both soulmates hurried at the room. Their bodies felt hot as they closed the door behind them.

They didn't say anything.  

However both knew they were flustered. It had been a long time since they had been in any a close proximity to a women, a beautiful gorgeous women who looked delicious enough to eat.



"Um, she's..."


They didn't want to say their thoughts out loud. It was their friend and but damn she was perfect.

"Let's just not make this awkward and we need to apologize to her. That should have not happened... ever."

"Ok huyng."


"Did you sleep last night?" Aila looked at Yoongi through the rear mirror.

"No, not really. I think I fell asleep but it was like I was awake, conscious of what was going on.. I don't know who to explain it."

Yoongi smiled at her. He knew exactly how that felt like.

"It's ok I understand. It sucks."

She smiled and continued to look out the window. She was greatful they were acting like nothing happened. Hoseok was in the back seat with her, head resting on her shoulder as he kept playing with her hand. It was actually nice and distracting.

"Can we go to the beach after we eat?"

"Why? Hobi it's freezing out there."

"But Yoongi, please! Let's go to the beach! I want to walk hand in hand with my husband."

Aila looked over and saw the hard stare Yoongi was giving Hoseok. After a couple of seconds, Yoongi sighed and nodded his head yes.

Aila snorted and laughed. He gave her a hard stare too but she only laughed more.

"Oh I think I'm beginning to figure out how the cold Min Yoongi works."

Hoseok laughed too.

"You can't say no to them can you?" Yoongi just rolled his eyes and continued to drive.

"You should see Taehyung and Jimin. Those two get away with murder. I think Taehyung is the only one he's ever texted a paragraph and told him I love you."

Aila snickered at Hoseok's words. Yoongi just shook his head.

"It's not a big deal."

"Huyng, you have known Joonie for how long and have only exchanged like ten texts with him. We were having dinner when Taehyung boasted about his text message to us. Then Jimin got all jealous. So he," Hoseok poked Yoongi's ribs, "decided to just flat out tell him 'I love you' right in front of us!"

Aila laughed. It was cute how they fought over petty things.

"Then proceeded to just keep eating dinner while Jimin had a meltdown on the table. I don't even know how he survived."

"Hobi-ah, I love you." Hoseok stopped and looked forward. Yoongi was driving, not paying attention to the younger and how his words affected him.

Aila could see the love in Hoseok's eyes. He looked like a high schooler looking at his crush. It was cute.

She wondered how their bond must be feeling, probably really mushy.

She smiled and continued to look at the window.

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