Chapter Twenty Four

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Jimin had forgotten what the pain meant.

He was too young to remember it now. Too much time had passed since the skin on his hand felt like it was burning.

Jimin yelled in pain as he pressed his hand against his chest, trying to make the pain go away.

He let go of Hoseok as the older's ankle throbbed, skin feeling like it was getting peeled off in real time.

Hoseok immediately remembered the pain. It felt too familiar to another faithful night. The night he met his Namjoon, his soulmate.

But this couldn't be. He already had a soulmate.

Still, Hoseok reached for Jimin, crawling on his knees as he grabbed the smaller male and pulled him on top of him.

Jimin landed on Hoseok, straddling Hoseok as his legs landed on each side of him.

Jimin felt the pain began to feel better immediately, as soon as he touched Hoseok.

"Jimin, It's ok. We just need to keep touching till the pain goes away."

Jimin still hadn't understood. The only thing he knew was that what Hoseok said was true. The pain in his hand started to numb down to a pulse, still there but not hurting.

"I don't understand what happened." Jimin tried to push himself off Hoseok, although being on top of him did feel good, it made Jimin feel like he was betraying Jungkook.

"Jimin you can't leave. We need to touch. Didn't you learn this in school?"

"What do you mean? Why would he have to touch."

"Didn't your mark hurt Jimin. Mine felt like it was burning."

Jimin stood there as he listened to Hoseok's words. They seemed to echoed in the hallway. His heart began to race and his breathing felt shallow.

"No, no, no, no, this can't be true. I have a soulmate. I've already bonded to Kookie. I can't! I won't!" Jimin stood up, getting away from Hoseok.

His pain came back, worse than it had before.

"Jimin! Stop and listen to me! I also have a soulmate! We need to touch or else we die!"

Hoseok got up however he could, mark twisting his ankle, pain shooting up his leg. He limped towards Jimin and took him in his arms.

Jimin felt his world crumble down.


They were back at Hoseok's place.

He made sure to not let go of Jimin's hand while trying to maintain the contact to a minimal. He didn't want to overwhelm the younger.

Hoseok told Jimin how he met Namjoon. It had been a year since they found each other in the dark hazy club. Jimin payed attention to his story, for he found it amazing.

What are the chances they both perform in the underground scene. Even the fact Hoseok had looked for the Namjoon for a few months before meeting him.

"Unfortunately, Namjoon is in Ilsan finishing school. He still does rapping and writing but he didn't choose to pursue it as a career. Shameful if you ask me, he's the greatest."

Hoseok made the younger get up so he could fetch his computer to show him videos he had recorded of his soulmates.

Their soulmate.

Jimin was blown away. Namjoon's voice didn't match his appearance. Still Jimin found him cute, his dimples the cutest.

"I have more recent pictures on my phone." Jimin noticed how he owned the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, his jaw dropping at seeing him with such a phone.

They spent their night telling each other as much as they could. Hoseok told Jimin about his relationship with Namjoon. About how awkward things had been in the beginning. Things are still awkward, Namjoon not being the best at expressing or imitating physical contact. It was ok with Hoseok, they were still young and they needed to focus in school.

However they trusted and supported each other in their dreams. Namjoon was sweet, respectful and a clumsy boy at heart.

Jimin knew Namjoon was good as well as Hoseok.

The dreamy look Hoseok held as he talked about Namjoon was enough to let him know. Unfortunately their relationship wasn't romantic. Both boys just needed to find what they were comfortable with.

"Now you tell me about our other soulmate! You said you were bonded!" Hoseok saw how Jimin's face broke into sadness.

He pulled Jimin closer as he began to listen to his story.

He felt so bad for Jimin. He seemed like such a sweet boy to be given such a soulmate. Hoseok could see the love as he spoke about his Jungkookie. Hoseok could see the desperation Jimin's face.

He loved Jungkook.

Hoseok held him close as Jimin began to cry. As he began to let his walls down and exposed his pain to Hoseok.

Hoseok swore he had never seen such a beautiful soul as Jimin.

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