Chapter Forty Two

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"You did so good Minie." Taehyung leaned over to kiss his husband's lips. He had done such a good job in surrendering his trust, in giving so the rest could take.

"You too Jinnie. I love you." He kissed his older soulmate as his breath finally began to stabilize.

"Love.. you too." Seokjin's out of breath response came through, almost too quiet to be heard.

Namjoon kissed Jungkook, also praising him for giving himself up like Jimin and Seokjin had done.

All three submitted to Taehyung and Namjoon. 

"Hyung, we need to clean them."

"Let them rest for a few more minutes love, then we can give them a shower." Namjoon responded out of breath as he settled next to Seokjin, bringing him close to his chest.

Taehyung followed Namjoon's direction, and laid next to Jungkook, his arm draped over his waist and onto Jimin's back.

All five laid there, eventually going back to sleep.


"You guys go check on them. Ima head over and put the cake in the fridge, probably put the flowers in some water."

Aila didn't know how Yoongi knew when to come back to the house, but she didn't question it. There must be something in their bond.... Could they read each other's thoughts?

She didn't think bonds could potentially work like that. She went into the kitchen, wondering if anything bad had happened. Of course she knew Yoongi and Hoseok would have been freaking out over their soulmates. So she disregard her concern.

Yoongi followed Hoseok down the hall and into their shared bedroom.

It smelled like sex and sweat.

All five laid in between tangles bed sheets, cuddled together and asleep, bodies still held the evidence of the time they had just spent.

"Should we wake them up? They need to shower and I'm hungry." Yoongi didn't answer Hoseok. He just went up to Namjoon, shaking the gentle giant.

Hoseok moved towards Seokjin and Jimin.

"Guys, we need to get cleaned up." Jimin groaned and snuggled closer to Seokjin.

"Joonie, Tae, Jungu-ah. Please, we need to get to the showers." All groaned as their eyes started to flutter and their ears perked up at the words. It took a few minutes for all of them to wake up from their slumber.

"Who subbed?" Yoongi asked. He wanted to take care of the ones who took gave themselves to the others.

"Minnie, Jinnie and Kookie." Namjoon's hoarse voice responded as he sat up in the bed, stretching.

"Joonie take Seokjin into this bathroom. Taehyung take Kookie down the hall and I'll take Jimin to the one on the other side."

"I can stay behind and clean."

Everyone began to move. Namjoon and Taehyung being careful with their movements.

Seokjin and Jungkook groaned as they got picked up from the bed and walked away from the comfort of their bed.

Yoongi looked at Jimin, who now was at least sitting up and watching the others leave.

"Where did you guys go? You didn't want to be here with us?"

"Aila arrived. We didn't want her to see anything so we went for something hot to drink."

"She's here?!"

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