Chapter Seventy Eight

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They sat quietly.

Aila was too embarrassed to talk and Jungkook looking mad and agitated didn't help.

He kept moving around, adjusting himself behind the driver's seat.

She looked down at his thighs, noticing a soft bump at the zipper. However, she convinced her mind it was just the way the dress pant sat on him.

Her eyes trailed over his body, landing on his face. She tried to look away, but he just looked so mesmerizing.

His pants was fitted to his shape, something he doesn't usually do. He had a black long sleeve button down shirt, tucked in, a black belt and a black blazer that seemed to glimmer and shine as the light hit it. His hair was set loose, parted in the middle.

Was he even real?

Jungkook kept clenching his jaw, his teeth feeling the pain of the straining his muscles caused.

He hates getting edged and teased, and Yoongi had pushed him, in the most simple way he had ever experienced.

Maybe that's what got him so irritated. How easy it was to get so worked up.

His knuckles tightened around the steering wheel as the bond flooded with pleasure.


He could only imagine what Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were up to, while he sat beside the cause of his torture, of all of their torture.

"Koo...Kookie? Are you good?" Her voice came out so timid, so soft; with so much concern.

Get your shit together Jungkook!

He smiled and reached his hand over to and placed it on her exposed thigh; finally touching her and calming his nerves.

"You look absolutely beautiful!"

And fucking hot


"Are you sure? I feel like it's too much, your reaction...." She went quiet.

"Baby we will never tell you how to dress. If it makes us jealous or horny that's our problem. Not yours. We will respect how you want to look because it's your decision. It's your body. Our reaction, we are just men that fell for the most perfect girl and we don't know how to handle ourselves. That's all. You look beautiful and sexy. Did you not pick out the dress?"

"Umm I like the dress, not my pick. It does make me look good and I do like that. But it was the girls ideas. Something about a test."

Jungkook didn't know if he should be thankful or mad at them.

Of fucking course they would try to get their hormones and testosterone levels up.

"Well they did perfect. I can't wait for everyone to see how beautiful my girlfriend is." Jungkook brought her hand up to his lips for a kiss.

She felt so stupid getting mesmerized and hypnotized by the younger, but she just couldn't help it. Her chest was going crazy with the obvious feeling for him, for all of them.

She finally looked away and out the window, enjoying the lights as they drove.


Jungkook had Aila's arm laced with his. They walked in, giggling to themselves.

The previous events forgotten for the time being.

The company dinner always happened once a year.

The idea came from when Seokjin's father traveled to the USA to meet with one of his friends, who owned a pawnshop business. His friend hosted a company party, where he would give out awards to the people who had done extremely well, recognizing talent, offered food and lots, lots of alcohol. There would even be a DJ playing music, some dancing. He even closed the stores for that day to give everyone a chance at going.

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