Chapter Twenty Two

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Jungkook never realized how much Jimin meant in his life.

The first weeks few weeks after Jimin left felt out of place. Jungkook felt something missing. The constant hole in his chest perturbed his every days.

Jimin was always there to cheer him up. Jimin always knew what to do when he felt down. He always made him laugh, bought him food. Always gave him nice warm hugs. Always played with his hair. Always made sure to check up him, his classes, his health.

Jimin loved him, even when Jungkook pushed him away, Jimin was always there. No matter what.

But now it was different.

Jungkook decided to ask Eun-ji out in a couple of dates.

He enjoyed her company and she was a very beautiful girl, but everything she did annoyed him some how.

His Jiminie was smarter, more dedicated, hugged better, and was funny. Her jokes weren't funny, to him at least.

Still he tried to go build something with her.

The day they kissed, Jungkook thought it would feel great. It was his first kiss but her lips didn't feel right to him. They weren't plushed with a beautiful pink tint. They didn't make his stomach dance with butterflies. He didn't like having her in his arms. She didn't seem to fit in his hold.

He hated having to pretend he liked Eun-ji. He came to realize too late how much he actually liked Jimin.

He realized how selfless Jimin was. He realized how much he missed him.

The months that had passed were agony as he realized more and more just how much he loved Jimin. How much he liked the older's attention and care. Jungkook finally registered and grasped how much his soulmate was perfect for him.

Jungkook understood what he had done one day in spring. His mom found him crying, after the realization hit him and he finally wanted Jimin, his soulmates, back. He was perfect for him.

His sobs were heart aching. His mom sat with him as he finally told her what happened that day. Why Jimin didn't see him. Why he only found out Jimin was leaving an hour before he left. Why Jimin had stopped talking to him and had to get updates from Jimin's mom.

He told her everything.

She was very disappointed in how he had acted, but happy he had come to his senses. She was glad he recognized how Jimin was meant for him. She knew he was young and that wasn't an excuse because Jimin had always wanted him, but Jungkook was very inexperienced.

Being away from Jimin made his heart grow fonder.

However, what Jungkook's mother didn't know was just how series the situation was. When Jungkook told her how he hadn't felt their bond the past months, she freaked out.

"Jungkook, if you can't feel your bond that means that it broke."

It had never crossed his mind. That option. He just thought Jimin had blocked their link because of his pain.

He panicked. He wanted Jimin. He wanted his bond with him back. He rushed for his suitcase and started to pack. He needed to get to Seoul and fix everything.

"Jungkook stop. You can't just leave with no plan. Do you even know where Jimin stays?" He cried even more. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have broken his bond? How could he have caused so much pain?

Jimin won't ever want to be with him. He probably doesn't love him. He wouldn't love himself.

"Let me talk to Jimin's mom. Just calm down and we'll figure out a plan so you can talk to Jimin ok? Trust me on this."

He broke down crying again as his mom left him in his room.


It took a lot but Jimin's mom agreed to help Jungkook out. She recognized how sincere the boy was and was happy he had finally saw her son's value. She knew Jimin was miserable being away from Jungkook, so she decided to help Jungkook out.

During his spring break, he went up to Seoul. He had the address to his soulmates dorm. He had a hotel room rented out for the week. His mom and dad, everyone had given him advice and had cheered him up.

The ride to Seoul got more anxious the closer he got. He wasn't afraid of being in a different city, that wasn't it.

It was the fact he was getting to see Jimin six months after he left.

Six months.

He couldn't believe he hadn't seen his angel for six months. He was so mad at himself. At how childish and stupid he had been at not seeing how blessed he had been with Jimin.

He didn't pack much. Just a backpack with clothes. He got to his hotel room at night, after getting lost.

He didn't sleep from how anxious he was about the next day. Jimin didn't know he was coming. His mom had told him he had sent a package, but she didn't mention Jungkook was going to personally deliver the package.

It was just food, a lot of kimchi actually. An excuse for Jungkook to show up.

The next day he got up bright and early, ready to go see his Jimin. He asked around and made it to the dorm around nine in the morning. He hoped he wasn't too early.

He knocked, with his heart thundering in his chest, a hole at the bottom of his stomach and a sour taste in his mouth. It wasn't a good combination, and his body shaking wasn't helping.

He heard a 'coming' and the door swing open, only to reveal a male Jungkook had never seen.

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