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3rd person pov:

Kara and Barry went back to CatCo as well for Y/n, Winn and James.

Kara was at the balcony and Barry joined her. "Hey. How are you doing?" He asked walking up to her.

"Well aside from my eardrums ringing like church bells, I'm okay." Kara said.

Barry nodded but still didn't believe her. "You sure? You don't seem okay." He said.

"I'm sorry i make you rush in on Livewire without a plan. I didn't know she was gonna have a cohort." Kara apologized.

"That's the thing about being a superhero. You how to somehow be prepared for the unexpected." Barry said.

"Something happened to me a few weeks ago. I was exposed to this substance that made me crazy. I did a lot of horrible things." Kara said.

"That's rough." Barry whispered.

"And when i was helping people as Supergirl, I was... I was so happy. And now that the people don't want me to help them, I feel lost. And I'm such a hurry to prove myself again, I'm making stupid mistakes. Like today." Kara ranted.

"This is gonna sound ironic coming from me, you need to slow down. Just keep doing your good work. Don't worry about the rest. The public will forgive you, i promise." Barry said.

"How can you be so sure?" Kara asked.

"Cause the same thing happened to me." Barry said.

"Really? So what finally fixed things?" Kara asked.

"Time." Barry said making Kara sigh. "When you're used to fixing things with brute strength, or in my case, amazing speed, it's hard to accept that there are things out of our control. It's humbling. Right?" Barry said.

"Yep." Kara nodded a little.

"And believe me, when you drop trying to force the solution, it'll happen on its own." Barry said.

"I'm really sorry you're locked out of your world. But I'm really glad you're here." Kara then rubbed his back.

"Me too." Barry smiled.

Barry and Kara then went back to the DEO, because Barry had some ideas on how to take them both down.

Y/n was going to talk to Winn when something happened in Cat's office. "Not good." Winn said standing up.

Livewire then appeared behind Cat. "You really should watch where you're going, Cat. Or someone's gonna need to declaw you." Livewire said.

"You know, you really need to get some new material, Leslie." Cat said walking up to Kara's desk.

"Well, your days of telling me or my friend what to do are long over." Livewire said as the elevator door opened revealing Siobhan.

"Oh, it's you, Siobhan. I see that my ex-minions have united. Strength in numbers? You should call Norma Rae and find out how is really done." Cat said.

"Mom." Y/n said making Livewire turn to her.

"Mom?" Livewire laughed. Cat was about to speak when Livewire used her powers on Y/n electrocuting her causing her to groan. Livewire stopped and Y/n fell to the ground hyperventilating.

"Don't touch my daughter!" Cat yelled and punched Livewire. Livewire fell on the ground. She was about to use her powers on her when Siobhan screamed causing Cat to get pushed on the ground to a wall.

Livewire then grabbed Cat and disappeared with her with Siobhan. Y/n was still having a hard time to breathe. Winn rushed to her and tried to calm her down. "Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. You're okay." Winn said.

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