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Kara's pov:

I landed in Cat's balcony. She turned to me "What do you want?" I asked.

"I would like to know if Ashton Kutcher and his camera crew are hiding underneath your cape. Supergirl would never release an evil alien caught in the act of a armed robbery. So, i assume I'm being Punk'd." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't assume anything from now on, Cat." I said.

"Did you just call me Cat?" She asked.

"You breeds me in the media as a Girl Scout. 'supergirl is brave, kind and strong.' isn't that kind of a stock characterization? Very two-dimensional. Everyone know real prolly have a dark side." I said.

"Yes, but you don't get to be a real person. You're a superhero. You get to represent all the goodness in the world." She said and i rolled my eyes again.

"Yeah, well, I'm sick of it. And you know what else I'm sick of? Enabling all of you in your victimhood. 'Oh, well, my buildings burning down, la-di-dah. Supergirl will just swoop in and save the day.' Well, get used to the flames, people, cause i quit." I said then felt my veins heat up.

"Supergirl... I fear that you're having some sort of a mental breakdown. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, and I'm happy to take you to Dr. Shuman for emergency Lexapro, that is, if your alien brain will respond to the SSRIs. But in the meantime, i would lay low. This haughty attitude is highly unsuitable." She said.

"Well, i learned it from the best. Cat Grant. You are the most arrogant, self-serving, mean-spirited person i know." I said. Her small smile faded. I didn't even want to say these things. I just couldn't stop myself.

"Now, you listen to me. I made you. And you are not going to let me down." She said.

"Or what? Wait, i forgot. You're the most powerful person in National City. At least that's what they say on TV. You want to see what powerful really looks like? Watch." I said then threw her off the balcony.

I heard her scream along the way down. Brake she could hit the ground i flew down and caught her. She collapsed to the ground then looked at me.

People gathered around and watched. "True power, Cat, is deciding who will love and who will die. And don't ever call me again." I then left the scene.

Y/n's pov:

Me, Winn, and James go to the DEO to talk with Hank. "Director Henshaw. I need to talk to you please." James said as we walked in along with other agents escorting us.

"Hey, something bad has happened to Kara." Winn said. Just then my phone rang.

"I'll be right back." I said going to a more private place leaving them to talk. I checked the contact and it was my mother. I answered the call and placed the phone to my ear.

I heard heavy breathing. "Mom, are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Supergirl.. she threw me off my balcony." She stammered with her words.

"What!? Are you okay? Do you want me to go there?" I asked. I paced around the room.

"I'll be fine. Just please stay safe." She said. I sighed.

"Okay. I have to go." I said and ended the call. I walked back to where Alex and the guys are.

"Distracted. We thought it was personal at first, but then she let an alien fugitive escape." Alex said as i walked to her

"And she threw my mother off a balcony. Something is really wrong, Alex. She could have killed my mother." I added and the others looked at me shocked.

"Pull up the missions Supergirl has run in the last 48 hours." Hank said.

Alex pulled up an image of the fire. "The fire." Alex said.

"Run a thermodynamic scan." Hank said.

"Look at the radiation signature. That's Kryptonite." Alex looked at Hank.

"Kryptonite?" I asked. Alex turned to me.

"Kryptonite is lethal to all Kryptonians, like Superman and Supergirl. At first exposure, they'll become particularly weak and experiencing pain." Alex explained.

"Not exactly." Hank said

"It's synthetic. It's manmade." Winn spoke.

"Well, it's close to the real thing, but whoever made it, didn't get it quite right." Alex said.

"Meaning what?" James asked. Alex turned to him.

"It's not damaging her on a cellular level." Alex said.

"But it could explain the erratic behavior." Hank added.

"Who the hell would make Kryptonite?" James asked. Just then a male voice spoke behind us.

We turned around and saw Max. "Yeah, that's my bad." He said.

Max was brought to a cell. "Come on. This isn't necessary. I came here to help. I didn't even know Kryptonite was a thing" Max said as he was pushed into the cell by Alex.

"Until we showed you." Alex closed the cell door.

"And we took down Bizarro." Hank added.
The lighting changed into a more brighter one.

"I went through all that trouble to create her, when all this time, right infront of me, was a substance whose sole molecular purpose was to kill Kryptonians. Sort of ironic." Max said.

"You're outta your mind." James said.

"I'm only practical. Non and his army will return. Soon. So, i took matters into my own hands." Max said trying to make his point but only making it worse.

"You've recreated Kryptonite." Alex said.

"Tried to. I just didn't get it right." Max said.

"The satellite on that rooftop was yours. You set a trap for Non." Hank said.

"The fire, that was an accident. I never meant to endanger any firefighters, any civilians. Not even Supergirl." Max explained.

"So, you figured if you booby-trapped a satellite, then your Kryptonite would kill Noon just in case you went to go check on it?" James said.

"It didn't work exactly as planned." Max said.

"No shit." I mumbled.

"It never does with you!" Alex yelled.

"I didn't know Supergirl would show up or that she would be infected by the synthetic K in such a surprising- You're right. You just thought it would kill her." Alex cut Max off.

"When i realized Supergirl had been exposed i started tracking her to see what the Red Kryptonite would do to her. I saw her let the alien escape. I didn't know what to think. And tonight she threw Cat Grant off her building. Not before you panic. She's fine." Max said.

"But Supergirl isn't." Alex said.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I came here to make this right." Max said. Alex was about to walk out before Max spoke again. "I created Red Kryptonite. Maybe i can create an antidote." He said making Alex sigh.

Alex then opened the cell door. "You better hope so, for National City's sake. Because you just turned Supergirl into the monster you always feared she'd be." Alex warned.

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