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Kara's pov:

I wake up and heard a robotic voice. "How are you feeling, Kara? Reflexes are normal" a robot said making me jump up.

"What are you?" I asked panting.

"I am Kelex, your medical attendant." Kelex explained.

"Where am i?" I asked scanning the room.

"Your confusion will abate as your temperature stabilizes. Would you care to dress?" Kelex said pointing at a blue dress next to me.

"This was my mother's tunic. She used to wear it when she would put me to bed at night." I said holding the cloth on my hands. I then turned to Kelex.
"Where did you get this?" I asked.

I expected Kelex to answer, but a familiar female voice i missed so much spoke. "I gave it to you."

I looked to my side and there she was. My mom. "Mom? How could you be here?" I asked shocked.

"I stayed home everyday while you recovered from the Argo fever" she said walking up to me. I stood up to face her.

"This can't be real. You died with the rest of Krypton." I said

"Oh, sweet Kara.." she placed both of her hands on my shoulders. "You must have had terrible hallucinations from the fever. But it's over now. You're awake. You're safe." My mother then pulled me into a hug. "You're home."

I scanned the room again before pulling away from my mother's hug. I walked up to the huge window in my room. "I'm on Krypton." I breathed out.

I started panicking. "This can't be happening. I have to get out of here." My breathing got heavier by the second.

"Kara, please calm down." My mother said trying to calm me down.

"I don't have my powers. Whatever's behind this is mimicking the effects of Krypton's sun." I said

"We're on Krypton." She said but i didn't believe her.

"What? No, someone is manipulating me by using my memories against me." I said pacing around the room, until i saw a figure i made.

"Do you see that? I made it for my father when i was eight." I said picking it up and admiring it.

I let out a chuckle "i even remember getting upset because i couldn't get the wings right" i whispered.

"And then he told you it was perfect. And that he loved it, and you, with all his heart." My mother said.

"He made me feel so proud. And so happy. Like he always did." I said making my mom chuckle.

"See? You do remember." She said with a smile.

"But i also remember saying goodbye to you on that launch bay. And promising to take care of Clark.. Kal-El. And hugging you so tight. Never wanting to let go." I said not knowing what was real anymore.

"I've fantasized about all of this everyday since i left. I don't know how this is happening, but I'm going to find out. And when i do, I'm going home." I said.

Y/n's pov:

I got to CatCo after texting my employee's that i won't be at my company for today.

I was met with my mom on the way there. "Y/n. Hi honey." She said making me pause.

She then realized what she said but smiled. "Hi.. mom." I smiled.

"Have you seen Ker-ah? She is late." She said walking up get office with me following.

"Uh.. Kara is uh.. she's sick." I said lying to my mom.

"Ker-ah Danvers sick?" She said in a non-believing tone. "Unlikely of her to be sick. That's what i like most about her." My mom said

"Well she is a person. And people get sick." I said trying to cover for Kara.

Just then i heard footsteps, i turned around and saw Kara. "Kara?" I whispered confused but happy.

Kara placed my mother's latte on her desk as she was working. "Oh, how lovely fruit you too come in to the office on a weekday, no less. You are a real hero, Carla." My mom said standing up from her seat then taking her latte but not yet drinking it.

Kara placed her hands behind her back. "Was the a reason you called me in, Ms. Grant?" She asked.

She was acting way more different. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with a little story about a solar storm that threatens all global commence and promises civilian unrest." My mother said sarcastically then closed her laptop. "Yes! Book me interviews with Barbara at NASA, Eduardo at the NSA and Gina at the White House. And i want attributable quotes, no press releases. And if they try to evade you, you remind them that I'm still holding on their Hamilton tickets." My mother ordered Kara.

"Wait, uh Eduardo.. Ella.. who?" She asked. Yeah, that is totally not like Kara.

"Barbara, Eduardo and Gina." I whispered to her.

"Oh, first base. Keep up." She said. Kara turned around to walk away and i was about to follow her.

"What kind of milk is in this?" My mother asked when we turned around to face my mother.

"Whole, ma'am." Kara said.

"Whole milk has not passed my lips since i rode a bicycle with streamers on the handles." She said then placed her latte back on her desk.

"Well, perhaps if you we're clearer with instructions, there would be less of an issue with execution." Kara talked like someone in the military. I knew that made my mother mad.

"Well, i am so glad to see that you are so comfortable that you can speak so honestly." My mother said sarcastically before placing a hand on her hip. "Allow me to do the same for you. All this time you've been prancing around my office, pretending someone you're not. Well, i see the real you. And i cannot un-see it. So i advise you to strap in."

Kara then left with me following behind. "What's going on? Are you okay, Kara?" I asked her as if she was crazy.

"Sorry, Ms. Grant, I am not Kara." She said without even facing me.

"What? Who are you?" I asked that made her turn to me.

"An agent of the DEO sent to maintain Ms. Danver's cover until she's able to return herself." She explained.

"Then how are you her?" I asked tilting my head then crossed my arms.

"That is not of your concern. Now if you excuse me, i have to get back to the DEO." She said then left.

I sighed and realized i was still in yesterday's clothes.

I got back to my house. I placed my things down then I heard something move. My guard was up and i grabbed the pistol i had under the desk.

I pointed the gun to the living where the noise came from. No one was home, not even my maids and butlers because i let them go back to their families because of what's happening with technology and no way of communicating.

I got to the living and pointed the gun who revealed.. my bestfriend.i haven't seen in so long

"Sam.." i said putting the gun down sighing in relief.

"Do you always point guns at people in your house?" She joked then pulled me into a hug. "I missed you."

The CEO's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora