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Alex's pov:

I got back to the DEO and went straight to the laboratory where J'onn and Max is along with Y/n. "Is it ready, yet?" I asked.

"Almost." Max replied. I left the laboratory with J'onn following me

"Alex." J'onn said making me stop on my tracks. I turned to J'onn. "How is Kara?"

"She's gone, Hank. I don't even know who she is anymore. I don't know what she's capable of." I said.

"You need to take her down." A female voice appeared behind J'onn. It was The Senator. "I know this is personal for both of you. Not you need to use everything the DEO has and protect this city from Supergirl."

"I'm not going to kill her." J'onn shook his head no.

"Yes, Supergirl saved my life. That's the last thing i want. But the DEO's job is to protect this world from alien threats. What do you call Supergirl right now?" The Senator asked.

J'onn hesitated before speaking on comms. "Vasquez, assemble the troops. We're moving out. Supergirl's the target."J'onn said just as Y/n walked out the lab.

"You're targeting Supergirl?" She asked. J'onn and the Senator looked at her while i just stared at the floor.

Y/n's pov:

"We can't risk the public getting hurt, Ms. Grant." J'onn said then left with the Senator following.

"You're not actually going to target Supergirl, right Alex?" I asked Alex. She stood quiet. "Alex, she's your sister!" I whispered yell.

"There's no other choice, Y/n." She whispered.

"There is always a choice. Max is almost done with the cure. Don't give up on her now Alex." I said.

"I don't even know why she is anymore." Her voice broke.

"She's your sister. And she loves you so much. Just as much as you love her. She may be under that Red Kryptonite, but Kara is still in there, fighting." I stated.

Max then walked out the lab with the cure. "It anything can reverse the Red Kryptonite effect on your sister. This should do it." Max said.

"It better." Alex said with a more stern voice.

"Goodluck. I mean that." Max then gave her the cure and she left with it.

Max then turned to me. "I never got to say sorry for kidnapping you. I'm sorry." Max apologized.

I turned to him and nodded. "Thank you." I said and Max looked at me with a small smirk.

"You are definitely Cat's daughter." He said making me slightly laugh.

Alex's pov:

We arrived at town where Supergirl is. Agents shot her with Kryptonite bullets enough to weaken her. But the bullets seemed to be bouncing off her.

I then powered up the weapon with the cure inside and pointed it to Supergirl. Just as i was about so shoot, she flew to us and knocked our weapons from our hands.

I felt a sharp pain on my arm and realized it was broken. Supergirl then flew down to me. "Classic, Alex. Always in time to ruin the fun." She said.

"Supergirl. I want to help you." I said trying to keep my breathing normal, but the pain in my arm distracts me to do so.

"Supergirl! No!" I heard J'onn yell.

"Doesn't look like help to me." She said. J'onn charged at her only ending up being thrown to the ground.

"Please! You have to stop." I begged my sister wanting her to come back to me.

"Nothing on Earth can stop me." She said and get eyes lit up.

"You don't want to kill me." I said as my breathing got heavier. I then notice J'onn transform into his alien self. He flew Supergirl and him to a car.

They continued to fight  in the air, breaking CatCo's walls and windows.
I got up and got the weapon. They both landed on the ground.

I limped closer to Supergirl with the weapon in hand. I powered it up and shot her with it.

She collapsed on the ground and red dust came out of her body. She laid on the ground unconscious.

People were gathering around to look at J'onn and agents pointing their guns at him. "Go. Please." I panted.

He turned back to his human form and agents came and arrested him.

Y/n's pov:

I see Alex with Supergirl on a stretcher. "Alex." I said as they brought Supergirl to the medbay.

I then noticed she was limping and her arm was brought up to her side. She gave me a small smile before going to the medbay with Supergirl.

Hours had passed. I got most of my work done at the DEO. I never left the DEO. Not without Kara.

"Y/n?" I heard Alex's voice. I turned to face her. "She's awake. She wants to see you." She said.

I nodded and rushed to the medbay with Alex behind. I see Kara sitting there in the table where she laid.

"Kara." I breathed out. I immediately went and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and i could feel hot tears falling on my shoulder.

I knew she was crying. I didn't want to do anything than hugging her, comforting her. Everything.

I rubbed my hand on her back as she sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/n." She said.

"It's okay. It's okay. You're okay." I said in a comforting voice. "It's not your fault. It wasn't you." I said as she moved her face to my neck.

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