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Kara's pov:

"he all but admitted it. He took all those girls. All 7. He made the Bizarro you." Alex said as we walk up to the table to discuss about Bizarro and Max.

"Is that what we're calling it?" J'onn asked.

"Another CatCo trademark." I said to him and he nodded in response.

"So, how do we stop her?" J'onn asked turning to me and Alex.

"We arm our agents with Kryptonite darts and we take down this Bizzaro the next time she shows her face." Alex said making me frown.

"But she's not the villain here, she's the victim. It's Max we should be going after." I said to Alex.

"You're acting as if she's a person, and not an experiment. That's what she is, Kara, she's one of Max's deranged science projects." Alex said and i could tell she was angry.

"So why don't we just arrest Max?" I asked

"We're the DEO, we don't exist. And certainly don't have the authority to stay private citizens, especially not world famous billionaires. Briefing the strike team in 10." J'onn then walked away to get the strike team ready.

"Kara there's something I wanted to tell you, not infront of Hank." Alex said in a more calm voice. "When i was with Max, he mentioned you."

"What? In what way?" I asked turning to Alex with a slight frown.

"Like, in a weird way, as if he knew we were related. I mean there's no way that he could. Is there?" Alex said
slightly stuttering with the last part.

"No. No. No way. No. He's just trying to get into your head, he's trying to rattle you. That's what he does. Jerk." I said then opened my phone and started texting Adam.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked.

"I'm texting Adam. I can't go on a date, not while Max and Bizarro are out there, it's too crazy right now." I explained.

"No. No. No. No. No. That is exactly why you should go. It's never going to be good timing, so you can't wait around until it gets better. You may be Supergirl, but you're Kara Danvers too, and she deserves a life. So, go. We'll hold down the fort." Alex said.

"No. It's not that." I sighed "I don't know what's happening to me Alex.." i looked down. "It's just.. everytime i see Y/n or even hear her voice. My heart stops, and i keep finding myself starring at her whenever she's around, and that i always want to be right by her side. I even almost went to her house the other night!" I explained looking up at my sister. "All i can think of is Y/n. Even in times when i don't want to, i just do." I said frustrated confused by my own feelings.

"Kara, you're inlove." Alex said with a small smile.

"I can't be inlove with Y/n when I'm literally going on dates with her brother. It's wrong. I don't want to hurt either of them. Rao why is this so confusing!?" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Hey, you have plenty of time to figure this out and I'll be right by your side to help you." Alex said placing her hand on my arm comforting me. I sighed then left the DEO.

I got to my apartment and flopped onto my bed. I sighed then got up from my bed getting ready for this date with Adam. I'm inlove with a woman who i don't even have a chance on, and worse is I'm inlove with her brother.

A short chapter for you guys because i can't sleep and i was bored. It's 3:28 am rn and I'm still not asleep.

I just realized I've been spelling Bizarro wrong.

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