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3rd person pov:

Kara took Barry to the DEO along with Winn. Barry circled the DEO with his speed. "Yo, this place is amazing, alright?" Barry said stopping next to Kara and Winn. "Is this a spaceship?" Barry asked pointing at Kara's pod.

"That's actually my spaceship." Kara said.

"I love this Earth." Bat said making Winn chuckle. "Hey, Winn, can i get a picture with this bad boy?" Barry asked already posing for the picture.

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Winn said pulling out his phone.

"Winn. Winn." Kara said.

"That's probably not a good idea, dude." Winn said.

"Alright." Barry then moved away from the pod. Lucy then walked in with DEO agents and Military Soldiers.

"Agreed. Who is this masked man? Alien?" Lucy asked.

"Metahuman" Kara said.

"Well, we have protocol for visitors at the DEO, Supergirl." Lucy said.

"Guys, it's fine. He's here to help us find Livewire." Kara said making the agents and soldiers slightly put their guns down.

"We do need all the help we can get. So what do i can you? Speedy?" She asked.

"Barry Allen." Barry introduced taking his mask off.

"Lucy Lane." She introduced. "I hope you're bringing more to the table then just quick reflexes."

"As i just so happens, catching criminals is both my night and day job. I'm a CSI. By the way, do you guys have a cringe lab here?" He asked.

"Yeah. My sister's lab's right over here." Kara said leading him.

"Wait, you have a sister? Where is she at?" Barry asked.

"I wish i knew." Kara breathed out."

Few hours later, James and Y/n walked in the DEO. They both saw Kara, Winn and Barry together.

Y/n then joined the group once she saw Lucy walking up to James. "I know that look." Lucy said. "I used to look at you with her and have that very same sneer." She said making James chuckle. "But much cuter." She added.

"That? No, no, no. I was.." he then cleared his throat. "I was thinking. And a sneer? Come on. No. I was... allergies." He continued to stammer.

Lucy looked at him making him give up. "Okay. I just, I came by to see if i could help. But it looks like there got it covered, so.." James said as both of them looked at the group. They were eating fries and burgers that Y/n had bought for them.

"Piece of advice. If you're holding back with her because of me, don't." Lucy said.

"No. I'm holding back because she has a girlfriend." James said. Lucy looked at him with wide eyes.

"Who?" She asked.

"Y/n." He exhaled looking down on the floor.

"I knew they liked eachother" Lucy said almost like she was celebrating.

"We found Livewire." Kara said. Lucy and James walked up to them.

"That's great news." James said.

"Uh, actually, it was Barry and Y/n." Winn added pointing at the 2 Wii was eating their burger.

"Of course it was." James mumbled.

"Livewire's ability to absorb the electrical energy in the air surrounding her gave us an idea. So we wrote an algorithm to monitor variations in meter usage around the city, and it all leads to that warehouse." Barry explained. "I see bad guys love their abandoned warehouse on your Earth, too, huh?" Barry then looked at Kara.

"I'll authorize a drop team." Lucy said.

"No. No, no. She's too dangerous. Let's go." Kara said to Barry.

Barry stood up from his seat. "Alright, yeah. What's the plan?" Barry asked.

"Catch the bad girl, bring her back here so she can't hurt anyone. 85% chance of punching." Kara said.

"Okay. That i get. But like, what's the plan? Maybe we can overload her somehow." Barry said.

"Yeah, what smh the Industrial Capacitor you were gonna trap her in last time?" Winn asked.

"No, no. It went busto." Kara said shaking her head no.

"Well, Dynamic Duo will build you a new one." Winn said high fiving Barry.

"No. If we wait, we lose her. If we lose her, God knows what kind of damage she could do, or who she could hurt. I defeated her once before. I can do it again. With your help." Kara said.

"I'm right behind you." Barry said then the two left.

"Have i told you how much i like that guy?" Winn said high fiving Y/n who's nodding in agreement.

The two got to the warehouse. "For the record, i got here first." Kara said.

"Yeah, for the record, i went around the block to check the perimeter. So, technically, i let you get here first." Barry said making chuckle.

"You sure this is the right place?" Kara asked.

"Hope so." Once Barry said that Livewire then appeared.

"Long time, cape and skirt. Didn't think you could fight me solo, so you brought a date? How sweet." Livewire said.

"I got this." Barry said and used his speed to circle around her and throw lightning at her.

Although it didn't damage Livewire. It only powered her up. Livewire laughed "Thanks for the charge." She then electrocuted him with her powers.

"Flash!" Kara yelled. She looked up and saw a fire sprinkler. She was about to use her heat vision, when there was a high-pitched scream.

Kara covered her ears as the screaming continued. She fell to the ground groaning. "I brought a friend, too." Livewire said.

Kara looked at her fingers that note has blood. Kara looked at Livewire as she pointed on the second floor.

"Meet Silver Banshee." Siobhan then came out from the shadows. Hey make up looked like a skeleton and her hair was silver white.

"All my life i thought i was cursed. But not i see i was cursed for the better." She then landed on the main floor.

"You don't have to do this. I wanna help you." Kara said.

"Funny. She said the same thing to me once." Livewire said.

"Here's what i say to that." Siobhan said then screamed again causing Kara to get pushed to a wall then dropped back down to the ground. "Once you two are dead, i can finally give that little blonde moppet, Kara Danvers, the death she deserves."

Kara then stood up panting. "Maybe Kara Danvers is tougher than you think." She then used her freeze breath and Barry spun his arms around making 2 small tornadoes on the 2.

"We're not gonna win this today!" Barry said struggling. They both then left the warehouse.

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