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3rd person pov:

"The DEO is secure. What are your orders?" Lucy asked Non who was on the screen.

"Release the prisoners." Non ordered.

"It is done." Lucy said.

"All but the White Martian. For everyone's sake, leave that one be." Non said.

Lucy looked at Vasquez who then opened all but the White Martian's cell.

Lucy and other DEO agents walked in to another alien's cell. She had red hair and a green suit. She stood there like she knew they were coming.

"I know not your face human." The alien said. "I am Maxima, Queen of the planet Almerac." She introduced herself. "Open this door and you'll find out exactly what that means." Maxima said and Lucy did just that leaving her confused but knocked the DEO agents on the ground.

Maxima pinned Lucy and held her in choke hold. "Do you value your life so little you won't fight back?" She asked.

"Myriad has begun on Earth. Non calls you to his legions. You will be the kings and queens of this world, once you swear your fidelity to him." Lucy said.

"Since Superman refused the honor of marrying me-" Maxima was then cut off by an warning in the system.

"Warning. Prisoner release in one minute."

"I will pledge allegiance to your Non." She finished. Lucy then lead Maxima out, but was stopped by Supergirl.

She used her freeze breath to knock them on the ground. "Early parole is cancelled." Supergirl said.

Maxima and Supergirl fought with Supergirl winning. She knocked Maxima out leaving her unconscious on the floor.

Supergirl felt something hit her. It was a Kryptonite bullet. She ran for cover and noticed it was Lucy firing the gun. "Lucy! You have to fight it. You have to wake up!" Supergirl said wincing as she applied more pressure on the bullet.

"Warning prisoner release in 15 seconds."

Lucy and Vasquez kept firing the gun with Kryptonite bullets to Supergirl which they missed.

Supergirl gained her strength back and forced herself up. She sped to her pod and activated it. She used it's energy to knock Lucy and Vasquez out.

Before the prisoners could be released, supergirl broke the system and stopped it.

She used her fingers to take the bullet out groaning to the pain that quickly disappeared.

She went to Lucy who laid unconscious. "Lucy.. I'm so sorry." She said.

Supergirl flew to the Fortress of Solitude because of Clark and Myriad. "Kelex?" Kara called out. No response. "Kelex, are you here?" She asked.

Kelex showed up "how may i assist you, Lady Kara?" Kelex asked.

"Where is Kal-El? I can't find him anywhere on Earth." Kara asked looking for her cousins help.

"Kal-El is attending to a matter off-world." Kelex answered.

"Kelex, i need you to tell me about Myriad." Kara said.

"Warning. This construct is not authorized to discuss Myriad." Kelex said.

"You were designed to obey the members of the honorable House of El, and to preserve the memory of Krypton wherever it went. If you don't override your orders Myriad will destroy the House of El and the memory of Krypton will be lost forever. You will have failed in your prime directive." Kelex then flew away.

"Please." Supergirl begged. "Please! I just need someone to help me!" Kara said with frustration.

"Hello, Kara." A familiar voice spoke. Kara turned around and saw a hologram of her mother.

"Mom." She said.

"Myriad was developed in Krypton by your aunt. It was created to prevent the planet's imminent destruction. We had strangled the planet's resources beyond recovery. The politicians argued, but could not agree on what to do. Thus, according to high records, Astra implemented her own solution. Myriad. Technology designed to force everyone to her way of thinking." The hologram explained.

"Mind control" Supergirl said.

"When the were caught attempting to use the Myriad technology against the people of Argo City, Astra and Non were arrested." The hologram added.

"And sentence to Fort Rozz." Supergirl said. "That's what they've been trying to do all along. They've been trying to use Myriad on Earth. To save the planet." Supergirl said pacing around before to the hologram. "But i don't understand. Why is everyone so afraid to talk about it? Why wouldn't you even speak of it?" She asked.

"Myriad could be used to enslave whole worlds at the push of a button. The High Council determined that if knowledge of such technology were to get out, it would upset the delicate balance of the galaxy." The hologram explained.

"Mom, please. You have to tell me how to stop this." She said.

"I am sorry, my dear Kara. Once started, Myriad cannot be stopped."

The CEO's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora