Chapter 5 - Post Trial and Execution

Start from the beginning

"What's that meant to mean?" My glare only grew more intense as I rested my hands against my hips.

"I didn't mean it in an insulting way." He sighed. "I suppose after weeks of us working together, I've come to know you extremely well."

He can't say stuff like that before his execution! Because then...

...Then it'll hurt so much more.

"Chiyo is right," Satoshi spoke up, nervously interjecting. "We were promised answers. And I think I speak for the rest of us when I say we all want to hear them...if that makes sense."

"I understand." Shimura began, stepping back. "Now, if we say chronologically, does that mean from when I supposedly died or last night when-"

"We clearly mean last night." Kenjiro interrupted him. "The way you faked your death... I-Is that important right now?"

"At least you're honest." He weakly chuckled. "If you're curious as to whether I planned to initially kill Ryoko or not, I'll have you know I didn't."

"Wait, really?" Shouko blinked.

"Yes, really." He nodded. "I was just in the morgue doing nothing as per usual. But well...when I heard banging on the door and opened it to see Ryoko, I didn't even have time to react."

"A-Are you saying she shot you as soon as you opened the door?!?" I exclaimed.

"Ryoko sure didn't waste any time. And you catch on quick." He smiled in my direction. "I assume she attacked straight away to force me to go with her. Ryoko would rather use force than try and talk to me if all people, seeing as her obsession over Chiyo shifted over to me."

"So she...was into you instead of Chiyo now?" Satoshi realised, appearing dumbfounded. "Yikes."

"You can say that again. She's far from my type." Shimura replied but chose to carry on. "As I said earlier, I was only grazed by the bullet, yet my luck seemingly ran out when she placed those cuffs on me. Before I knew it, I was being dragged behind her as she explained her whole elaborate plan to kill everyone."

"Was it then when you realised you had to murder her?" I bluntly asked, cutting to the chase.

"To be fair, I did want to kill her. We all know Ryoko was insufferable and I meant it when I said I didn't regret what I did." Shimura said. "As for when I devised to kill her, I'd say it was from the moment I saw her at the door to the morgue. In that split second, before she fired the gun, the look of pure evil in her eyes was enough for me to want her dead."

"And I thought I was too honest," Kenjiro mumbled.

At least he doesn't sugarcoat it. Ryoko was a brat. And after everything she had done, I think she deserved it.

"Now that you know what happened at the start of the crime, I'm sure there's another question buzzing in your head." Shimura tilted his head as he met our eyes. "Why did I torture Ryoko instead of just killing her? I mean, torturing her would've just left more evidence and taken way longer. So why in the world would I do it, right?"

"You're the one who should be answering that." Shouko reminded him.

"Let's see..." he thought to himself for a moment before answering. "I suppose if you were to ask me, then you'd imagine I'd say revenge or maybe even that she deserved it. And yes, while those are all true, there was a bigger reason."

"Which is...?" Satoshi trailed off.

"To find the truth." He coldly stated. "The truth behind her change in behaviour, this killing game, her involvement and...everything. She spoke with Kei before me, remember? Who knows what she knew."

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