Chapter 43 Close Call

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"No baby it's not now just stand still I almost got it." I said just as the broke glass tore through the last of the seatbelt

In one quick swipe I had my arms under her head softening her fall. Cradling her head with one arm I reached the other back as I placed my crumbled coat on the top of the shards on digging into my torso. Slipping my arm under her torso I crawled backwards with Gracie in my arms her body titling slightly to the left. Carefully angling her body out of the window incase any loose shards of glass cut her, standing onto my feet and I readjusted Gracie in my arms.

Her gem like eyes were half closed and glossy with tears as she reached her arms around my neck just barely looping her arms. Wasting no time I ran as fast as my legs could take me towards one of the black chevy SUVs near the ambulance. Taking shelter behind the large car there was the loud explosion I was expecting when I so desperately tried getting us out if there, leaning Gracie against the car I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders as small debris from the now destroyed SUV shot through the air.

We're alive, I thought happily. Cupping Gracie's face in my trembling hands I could of sworn this was a dream as she looked up at me through a set of dark wet lashes. Up close I could see her injuries much clearer. All though there were many minor cuts on her body they didn't look they hurt unlike the large purple bruise on her cheek that was swollen and the blood drizzling down from her forehead covering her face and hair in the metallic sticky liquid.

"Oh Gracie I'm so sorry." I whispered my voice hoarse as I gulped the golf ball sized lump in my throat

A faint smiled formed on her lips, raising her small cold hand up to my cheek she shook her head "Why I'm still here with you, you kept your promise."

Covering her small hand with one of my own I brought her palm up to my mouth and placed a kiss in the middle knowing this was all over. Now that I have her safely in my arms I won't let anything or anyone hurt her again. Two paramedics jumped out of the back of the ambulance and ran our way with a red bag in their hands.

Raising Gracie up onto my lap I kissed her forehead letting my lips linger as I closed my eyes finally allowing myself to relax as I inhaled her scent.

"Sir we need to take her to the hospital she might have a concussion that crash was pretty nasty." the female paramedic said

Snapping my eyes open I glanced down at Gracie who had her eyes half closed. I never even thought of that. With a nod to show my cooperation I held Gracie up and slide out from under her.

With a moan of protest she reached her arms out to pull me back to her "You need medical attention love, don't worry I promise not to leave your side." I assured

Gracie nodded just as the sound of a gun cocked behind me. Turning around I saw Ben limping our way with one of the officers rifles in his scratched up hands, the officer he stole the gun from was faced down not to far from where Ben was. His gaze narrowed at Gracie who released a gasp.

"If I can't have you.." he growled as he aimed the gun straight at her "No one can."

Without a second thought I positioned my body in front of Gracie's like a human shield ready to do what I promised, protect her.

Ben grinned a croaked dark grin "Or better yet kill him." he hackled his belly jiggling

From the corner of my eye I spotted the paramedics back away with every step Ben came forward as the gun was now pointed at my head. Gracie's small fingers wrapped around my wrists as she tried pulling me back but I didn't budge.

"Any last words before I blow your boyfriends brains all over you." Ben sneered at Gracie

Gulping hard I felt sweat running down my neck despite the chilly winds assaulting my barely there dress shirt. The very thought of dying scared the crap out of me but even with my heart thudding in my chest like the wings of a humming bird I remained in my defensive stance.

Heart of GoldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ