Chapter 35

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Same Day - Afternoon

After school was over Reid picked me up and we were back at his place for a while. I was laying in his comfortable bed waiting for him to come back from the kitchen.

I heard the door open and close making me turn around. "You okay?"

"Fine." He told me. He grabbed my hand taking me somewhere.

"Where are we going?"

"Around the house." Christ his house is huge. I can tell his mom probably designed the entire house due to the designs. It wasn't colorful but it was peaceful and luxurious.

I knew he was probably doing this to distract from other questions.

He was acting very calm and unbothered after just getting suspended and beating up a bunch of jocks.

No surprise there.

"Are those your dogs?" I asked seeing them out the door into the backyard. He basically had two back yards. One with grass, and the other with the pool and the nice patio.

"Only two. The rest are guard dogs."

I smiled letting go of his hand while they all came over to me. I bent down to their level and they all started to lick my hand loving the head rubs.

I looked up Reid seeing him look confused. "What?" I laughed.

"They've never been sweet to anyone. Their killer dogs.."'He trailed making me shrug.

One of them sat in my lap and and the other wanted to play with his tongue out. "Don't seem like killer dogs to me" I teased.

I got up with them following me making me laugh. "Gå og lek." He told them. They started to bark and ran out in the grass. (Go play)

"Are you ever going to teach me Norwegian?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Someday."

When we got back inside I saw his mom and a man coming in the front door making me freeze. I'm guessing the man was his father since Reid was a split image of him as well. He was the same height as Reid but a little taller, his hair was black and he had a small clean beard. He was muscular and his face was just so structured. Like perfectly structured.

Perfect genes run in this family.

"Honey."'He said.

"Hm?" She hummed. She turned around seeing what he was talking about and saw me. She did the brightest smile coming over to me. "Oh Sage, it's wonderful to see you again."

She gave me a hug as I hugged her back feeling comforted. She smelled so expensive Jesus christ. "Who's this?" His father asked.

"This is Reid's girlfriend. We met the other day, isn't she just the cutest thing." She smiled making me try to hold my blush.

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