Chapter 34

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I fucking hated coming to this place.

It was third period and Nevio asked me to come to his locker for something. I only came today so my father can get off my ass. He knows how busy everything is.

"Hey." A girl said coming by me biting her lip. I payed no attention to her continuing to be in my phone getting irritated from Nevio being so late.

There were only a few people in the hallway.

"Lots of people have been talking saying your with Sage but I don't believe that. She's pretty but come on, you two are total opposites. But anyways I was having a get together tonight at my house, I was wondering if you wanted to come." She smiled.

I ignored her again seeing Nevio coming down the hallway making me sigh. Of course he's minutes late.

"Hey.." He trailed wondering why a girl is here.

"What do you want?" I asked still ignoring the girl.

"Who are you?" Nevio asked.

"Well I was talking to Reid. But I'm having a get together tonight, I was wondering if he wanted to come, and you as well." She smirked.

"Um" Nevio said looking at me.

"What did you want why am I here?" I asked ignoring her again. She scoffed walking away.

Nevio laughed. "I was wondering if you knew Sage's locker combo"

He went over to her locker with a small smile making me confused. "Why?"

"She made me another batch of her delicious cookies and I want them now but she's making me wait another period." He said.

"I'm out of here" I told him hearing him gasp. He caught up to me and pushed me back to her locker.

"I'm fucking hungry man" He sighed.

"I'm not opening her locker."

"She's your girlfriend, I know you got the locker combo!" He said looking completely crazy about these cookies.

I was about to say something until I heard a couple of jocks saying her name making me look over. It looked like that guy Kaleb and other guys.

"You saw what Sage was wearing today? Girls got an ass on her." Kaleb said as they all agreed. Nevio looked at me and shook his head.

"She's always wearing revealing clothes like that man, how haven't you noticed yet? I been trying to hit that since sophomore year." Another one of them said.

"Reid" Nevio called out but I went over to them.

"The fuck did you just say?" I asked to Noah. "What did all of you just say?"

"D-dude calm down, it's not like you weren't thinking it as well." He said.

I squinted my eyes at him and just blacked out.

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