Chapter 30

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Same night - Hours later

Since I slept the entire day I was still up at 2am. I groaned against the head board just continuing to watch Netflix on my computer.

I had got off the phone with Mila and Grace earlier.

Seems like Grace and Iris hit it off and are talking more. Me and Mila honestly didn't even know that Grace was interested in girls as well.

Reid still wasn't back and I was very worried.

Me and my dad have been texting I told him I'll be back tomorrow, and he respected it since the chaos that happened.

He thinks I'm at Grace or Mila's.

I slightly heard voices downstairs that sounded like accents. It sounded like a lot of voices actually.

No one was in house except me and well the guards.

But I guess not anymore.

I kept hearing voices and voices but I thought that it was maybe his parents or something else so I didn't move a muscle at all.

I paused my movie hearing steps onto the stairs.

When the door opened I saw Nevio and Reid. I let out a sigh in relief while Nevio carried Reid over to the bed making me get up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing." Reid told me with a small groan.

"He got stabbed." Nevio sighed.

"Get the stuff." Reid sighed as Nevio nodded going into the bathroom.

I moved Reid's hand seeing a lot of blood making my eyes go wide. You could see the cut even with all the blood. He groaned while I helped him take off his shirt.

Nevio came out of the bathroom with a kit.

"Go downstairs and tell the men the plan, I can handle this." He told him. Nevio nodded going downstairs.

He got up going into the bathroom while grabbing the stuff. I followed him seeing him holding something in his bed.

I took the cotton pad from him. "Reid.." I trailed helping him.

"I'm fine. Just a small stab." He told me.

"It looks deep, you might need stitches." I told him.

"Fucking assholes. Getting me while I'm down how typical. They were all aiming straight for me, I saw it coming." He laughed shaking his head.

"This isn't funny." I said cleaning the blood.

Crap he even looked good like this.

His hair, his muscles.

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