26. Celeste

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Third-person- pov

April 27th, 3 am

"I can't feel a pulse. Someone call 911!!"

She checks Celeste's belongings. And gets out her phone, searches through the recent calls, and sees the first person is Ravi Sighn

"Celeste.", Ravi says.

"Hello is this Ravi Sighn?", the girl asks.

"Yes, who is this?", Ravi asks.

"Celeste overdosed. She was brought to the hospital.", the girl says. Ravi hangs up, and goes out, into his car to find the hospital. He rings his cell, calling Celeste's mom.

"Hello, Mrs. Woods. It's about Celeste, she overdosed. I'm heading to the hospital now, I'll send you the address.", Ravi says.


"Hi, I'm here for Celeste Woods", Ravi says.

"The girl who overdosed.", a nurse responds lowly.

"Is she alright?", Ravi asks.

"The doctors are working on her now.", the nurse responds. Ravi sighs, as he takes a seat, biting his nails.

20 minutes later

"Ravi. oh dear.", Celeste's mom says hugging him. Ravi breaks free, of the hug and falls to the floor.

This is my fault. I keep on pushing her, and pushing her, and know she might not wake up. She can die. She can die. I didn't have a chance. I waited too long to be with her, to tell her how much I love her, we could have spent more time together. And when she needed me. I didn't fight hard enough to be there for her. It is my fault! I left her, to deal with this all on her own. She couldn't come. She couldn't come to me. Why couldn't she come to me? Why wasn't I enough to keep her here, with me where she belonged? I let her down, I did this to her.

"I'm sorry, to disturb you, but your daughter woke up.", a nurse comes to say. Celeste's mom looks at Ravi, helping him get up, and they go to see her.

"Celeste.", her mom calls out hugging her.

First Person Pov

"Mommy, what's going on, why am I here? In father's hospital bed.", I ask, confused.

"Sweetheart. You overdosed.", my mom says, walking closer to me, and holding my hand. I look down and see handcuffs cuffing me to the bed. I look at Ravi, then back at my mom.

"Mommy, please. I'm so sorry. Don't send me away again. Please! I didn't want to kill myself. Ravi. Ravi, you must believe. I don't want to die. I just miss Dad. I miss him so much. I miss him every day. I can't be away from you guys too, please.", I say, sobbing in my hands.

I hope you like this chapter. See you next. Bye!

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