13. Ravi Sighn

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Ms. Kenndy calls me out of line, and my eyes meet with Ravi Sighn. My roommate is Ravi fucking Sighn.

"Considering that it is rather late. And you must be tired from the journey here. You may all return to your rooms. Dinner will be at six.", Ms. Kennedy continues after everyone's name has been called, and everyone leaves and heads to their room. Me and Ravi, head to our room, where I lay on the bed and put my black headphones in.

"So, do you want to do something? Maybe play a game?", Ravi asks me awkwardly. I look at him, then take off my headphones as they rest on my neck. "Sorry, what was that?", I ask.

"Nothing.", Ravi says submissively, I put my headphones back on, I know maybe that was a little rude. I rest on my bed and type on my computer, the whole time. I look at my clock.

12:00 AM

I look towards Ravi's bed and see it empty. Was he gone the whole time? I text Atlas, that I'm going to take a shower. Then shut my laptop off, and lifted off my headphones. I take off my pants and white tank, then grab a towel, to take a shower. I get in and begin washing myself, and the door opens.

"Ravi, Is that you?", I call out, with no response, I continue washing my hair, as the shampoo falls out. The door creeks open.

"Oh, apologies! I'll just go.", Ravi says already in a towel. But when I hear Atlas's voice I panic.

"You can't. I told Atlas I was in the shower. If you leave, he'll think we were in the shower.... together.", I say.

"Ouch, that one hurt, Celeste.", Ravi says sarcastically.

"Just get in.", I say, bringing him in. The door clicks open.

"I had to use the restroom.", Atlas says.

"Why didn't you use your own?", I ask.

"My roommate was in there. Speaking of roommates, where's yours? Thought you'd be conversing with me about him.", Atlas asks me. Causing Ravi to chuckle a bit. I quickly put my hand over his mouth, and step on his toes, causing him to slip a bit, but the sound is muffled when Atlas flushes the toilet. The water faucet turns on, causing me to raise my voice so he'll hear me.

"I really can't talk right now. I'm getting conditioner in my mouth.", I say, hoping Atlas will leave.

"Ok. I won't hold you up.Bye.", Atlas says, as the door opens and then shuts quickly. I sigh releasing my hand from over Ravi's mouth. I turn around, to turn off the water, then turn back around, then see Ravi smiling. I smirk.

"Want to share a towel too?", I ask sarcastically.

"You aren't gushing over me?", Ravi asks me shocked. I looked down, and I suppose I didn't realize he was in a towel right in front of me. Damn. I look back up at Ravi, attempting to keep a straight face.

"Nothing to gush about.", I say casually, and get out of the shower, grabbing the towel on the handle.

On to the next chapter.....


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