25. Reception

19 1 0

⚠️Tw: Overdose, under-age drinking⚠️

April 27th,2019

Phone rings

I answer the phone, and I'm welcomed by my cousin.

"Have you been out?", Isobel asks.

"No, been stuck in this house ever since my dad's death.", I say.

"I'm so sorry, about uncle.", Isobel responds.

"Whatever. To what do I owe the pleasure? Is there a reception, please tell me there is one.", I say, practically begging. Isobel cracks up over the phone.

"OK, well there is a reception. I'm throwing it, it's my birthday reception.", Isobel says, waiting for me to respond. Oh my gosh, It's her 19th birthday, and I forgot.

"Isobel.", I say, sadden.

"It's fine, Celeste. I get that you had a ton on your mind. That's why I'm throwing the bash here, just for you, and for me, but mostly you.", Isobel says with a laugh. I turn around when I hear a knock at my window.

"Hey!", she says greeting me and hugging my waist.

"It's so good to see you.", I say. "Happy birthday, again I'm so sorry.", I say, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"It's fine. Now let's get you dressed.", she says to me, smiling. I laugh, then hop into the shower and change into.....

My outfit

Isobel's outfit

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Isobel's outfit

Isobel's outfit

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My hair

Isobel's hair

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Isobel's hair

We head to the party

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We head to the party

I dance with her, then a couple of hours later, other people come and dance with us. The DJ plays the music louder.

Hours later

"I'm going to go home.", Isobel tells me. "Do you want to come?

"No you go, I'll take a cab.", I tell her. Isobel nods, as she grabs her bag, and leaves. I go to the bartender to grab a drink.

"Can I have a club soda, please?", I ask. The bartender nods and hands me my drink. "Thank you.", I respond. I drink my soda and take a seat on the couch.

"Hey, sexy. Do you want to go somewhere?", a man asks me.

"I should go with my friend. Hopefully, she's still waiting for the cab.", I say drowsily, then I get up, from the couch, but as I nearly fall, I'm caught by the same man.

"Take it easy there, sweetheart.", the man says. He is with a group of his friends, who look about 20-24. "Here this should help you relax.", the man takes out of a bag, of pills. Maybe opioids. I nod, and take the bag, as one pill falls into my hand. I grab my soda and drink it flushing the pill down.

10 minutes later

"I can't breathe.", I say, lowly, as my vision becomes blurry.

"What was that, honey?", the man sitting next to me asks.

"I can't brea—", I try, to say, but my mouth goes dry, and I fall to the floor.

Third person pov

"Holy shit! I think she overdosed.", a girl says. As they stare at Celeste's mouth, foaming out, and she starts seizing. She walks towards Celeste and places her fingers on her wrist.

"I can't feel a pulse. Someone call 911!!"


To be continued...

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