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alarm rings

April 24th, 2019

Then my door creeks open, I peek through my blanket, and I see my mom. I groan and turn to the other side of the bed.

"it is time to go back to boarding school, honey.", my mom says to me, I continue to groan.

"Can't I just stay home?", I ask.

"You've been staying home for a week now, it's time for you to get back to your life.", my mom says, tucking my hair behind my ear. I pull the covers over my head.

and the Mother of the Year award goes to...

"Sweetheart, get up now. It's time to take a shower.", my mom says to me, then shuts to door. After losing the "love of her life" my mom seems sane, I guess people grieve differently, or maybe she knows something I don't. We saw, the same thing, my father had been gone from his room, after "being dead" and nobody knew where he was unless a dead man can walk. I know something weird is going on. I roll my eyes at all the things my imagination seems to be creating, there is no way my father is alive. He isn't alive. I get out of bed, and head to the shower, then change into my uniform, which was laid out on my bed perfectly ironed. I put my hair in a ponytail, do my makeup while I look in the mirror, and repeat to myself.

I'm fine, my father can't still be alive

Trying to get myself to believe it. But, I still don't know if I did. I pack my bag and head down the many stairs, to get to the living room. I wave to my mother, then get inside the car, waiting for me, as it heads off to the boarding school. I walk out of the car, and onto campus, where everyone's eyes meet mine. I'm not surprised, I'm the kid whose father died, and she had no idea...

Isn't that the girl whose father died

She sure came back suddenly

I heard her mom bring her back in a hurry. Maybe she had something to do with it.

I couldn't imagine knowing someone who died

I quickly walk faster past the people staring at me and whispering my name to their friends. Practically running to the bathroom, to throw up, I flush the toilet and text Ravi.

I need to talk to you Meet me at the library -sent

10 minutes later

"Celeste!", Ravi calls out.

I open the door stall, rubbing my eyes, which causes my mascara to smudge.

"What's wrong?", Ravi asks me grabbing my hands. I look down and say.

"I hate being here. Everyone is looking at me like, I'm this broken puppy. Like I'm just going to burst and go crazy, and the funny thing is my father isn't even dead."

Ravi looks at me with a concerned look and a raised eyebrow.

"Just like that.", I say, walking away from him, and heading outside to the bleachers. Ravi follows me, practically running after me. Ravi grabs my hand stopping me, by the bleachers.

"Come on talk to me, Celeste.", he says, practically begging me.

"Ok, but please hear me out.", I say, and Ravi nods. "My father isn't dead. I want to find him, and I'm going to need help. Will you help me?"


To Be Continued...

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