4. Boarding School

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March 11th,2019

I wake up, as I extend my arms, and look at the alarm.

"Shit!! I'm late.", I say, in a hurry. I put my uniform on, and place my hair in a bun. I run through the campus. Room 240, I say to myself. I look at the campus map, but then suddenly my body is shoved against a wall. I look up and realize it's not a wall.

"Excuse you.", the boy says, then walks past me, before I can give a response. I roll my eyes, then look at my watch and the wrinkled campus map, and persist on my way. Until I bump into someone again, today is not my day. I drop my map.

"Are you kidding me?", I say annoyed.

"I'm so sorry.", the boy says, politely, while picking up my map. He hands it to me. And I take a look at him. His nails are painted black, he's wearing brown round glasses, has coily hair, and happens to have a cigarette in his hand. I get the courage to ask where my room is, hopefully, this time it won't go as badly.

"no, I'm so sorry. Do happen to know where room 240 is?", the boy responds.

"you are in luck. I'm in that class, and it happens to be right in front of us.", he says, adding a smile, then knocks on the door. I chuckle. Then the door opens.

"Late, again.", the professor says to the boy.

"It's become a habit.", the boy responds, and walks into the classroom, as I walk behind him.

"Are you new?", the professor asks me.

"Yes, I'm Celeste Woods. Today is my first day.", I respond.

"ok. Celeste Woods.", the professor says, as he narks my name on what seems to be an attendance sheet. Then adds on. "I hope you found the class okay. But you both retain after-school dentition"

The boy rolls his eyes and walks off before me. But I just nod and walk into the class. Not trying to create the worst impression, on my first day. Even though I kind of already did. I see the boy gesture for me to sit next to him. I wander towards him and take a seat.

"I'm Atlas.", the boy, Atlas says to me.

"Celeste.", I respond.

"So, why are you in here?", Atlas asks me.

"You might look at me differently.", I say, reluctantly.

"Come on, we are all here for a reason.", Atlas says, smirking at me, looking at me curiously.

"Ok. I slept with my professor.", I say.

"Dang! I like you already."Atlas says. I laugh. "Couldn't imagine sleeping with our current professor though.", Atlas says, smiling, and making gestures, causing me to laugh again.

"When you two troublemakers are done talking. I would like to resume my lesson.", the professor says. I look at Atlas, as he rolls his eyes. The teacher resumes his lesson.

After long classes, we arrive for lunch


"Meet me at the last table.", Atlas says, to me then walks away, while I grab my lunch. I arrive at the table. But while I'm eating my food. Someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and nearly leap out of my seat.

"Isobel!", I say, hugging my cousin.

"I can't believe Uncle sent you here. I thought he was bluffing.", my cousin, Isobel says to me.

"No. He caved. And I already made a terrible impression.", I say, as Atlas nods, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Everyone makes terrible impressions. It's a boarding school. But there is a bash, this Friday.", Isobel says, then looks at Atlas. "What's your name?"

"Atlas.", he introduces himself.

"You two should come. It will be fun.", she. says. Then someone taps on her shoulder. "Okay, I got to go. But I'll see you two there right?", she continues, nearly walking away.

"of course.", Atlas yells, from the table, then he looks at me. "Well, your cousin's cool.Seems you two have a gene, for being dreadful daughters.", Atlas jokes. I chuckle.

"Shut up!", I say, nearly choking on my water.

After School Detention

I wait for Atlas across the hall until I get his message.

Where are you?-Atlas

Waiting for you-me

I'm already here-Atlas


I thought you got my message.-Atlas

I arrived. Where r u?? -Atlas: 3:00

I just got it. OMW - me

I continue looking at my phone and start to walk to the class. Until I bump into something or someone. He looks Indian, he has brown skin, fluffy hair, dark brown-black hair, brown eyes, and gold hoop earrings. He's wearing a black flannel over what seems to be a white tank. And I hate to admit it after he was rude to me but has the most beautiful jawline.

"Are you kidding me?", the boy says.

"I'm so sorry.", I say. But instead of being nice like Atlas was, this time the boy rolled his eyes. I guess I learned my lesson. We both walk inside the class, and I take a seat next to Atlas.

"This is detention, children. Hand in your phones.", the teacher says passing around a bin, as people drop their phones inside.

After Detention

The boy quickly walks out when the bell rings. I roll my eyes.

"bumped into someone, yet again. I mean he was hot.", Atlas says to me.

"Yeah, but he was rude.", I say.

"Hey, not everyone can be polite and, dashing at the same time.", Atlas jokes, and winks at me. I roll my eyes.


Who was the boy, Celeste bumped into this time? Will they meet again? Stay tuned to find out. I hope you liked this chapter, stay tuned for when I update.

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