22. the search

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"Did you think I'd let you get yourself killed?"

, Ravi whispers in my ear. I grab Ravi's hand and move him to the wall. I walk closer to him, inches away from his lips.

"You caved, cute. Let's go.", I say, as our lips lightly brush against each other... "I narrowed the building down to here.", I continue.

"Ready?", I ask. Ravi nods, and we walk into the building.

"I got what you ask for.", a man says. I quickly grab Ravi's hand, causing us to stop, and the footsteps around us quicken.

"I need to protect my family.", I hear my dad say, or at least I think it's my dad.

"Who is he talking to?", Ravi whispers. I "shh" him, then quietly walked a bit closer, to get a better look. There's my father, and three other men, one of whom he's talking to. Ravi follows over me, as his chin rests on my neck, causing my body to shiver a little bit. But before I could react, there I saw it, my father pulled a gun on the man, who fell to the floor. The other man quickly retaliates, aiming his gun at my father. Loud gunshots. 3 shots, that's all it took, for my father to be taken away from me.  I scream, but they are muffled when Ravi quickly puts his hands over my mouth, he wraps his hand around my waist, and we fall to the floor.

My father, he's gone. He's dead. I watched my father die. He's dead!! 3 bullets, that's all it took!! The men run, as the car screeches away from the scene. I break through Ravi's firm grip on me, running to my father.

"Don't. Please, don't.", my voice breaks at the last word."Sweetheart.", my dad, says to me. "Stop, that. You are going to be okay. You are going to be fine." My dad smiled, but it was shaky, and my heart broke. I can hear his heart, struggling through his chest. I reached out and touched his face gently.

He leaned into it. This was the first time, I'd seen him in months. And his tough facade, was broken. He was weak, and his skin began to grow even more paler.

"Don't you dare give up on me? Do you hear me? This is not over. I'm not don't loving you. I'm still your child. Mom still needs you. We need you, you can not die, papa.", I say, and then he grabs my hands with an urgency that took me by surprise. "Please don't give up on me. Please don't give up on your mom.", he says, his voice was a whisper by the end.

"I love you, Dad. We need you. I need you.Please.Fight dammit. Wake up!", I shout, pulling his arm.

And then there was nothing at all...



thank you for the 200 reads!!!

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