Chapter 99 - One Step At A Time

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Silence was spread across the room silence after the storm. Sameer was blankly staring at the floor not reacting or anything which scared boys and sam.

Sam composed herself and kneeled down in front of Sameer holding his hand gaining his attention.

"What meds are you currently on can you give me the names and what treatment is going on". Sam asked softly and he looked at her blankly but trying to analyse everything and trying to recall everything.

"Don't stress okk everything will be fine don't try to pressurise yourself trying to remember everything i just need the name of the meds to see what meds you are currently on". Sam asked and he nodded.

He handed her the list of meds he was on and what treatment was he currently on. Sam looked at them and closed her eyes harshly trying not to cry.

"How long you have been taking this medication". Sam asked. "Since 4 months but I was feeling weird soo I used to deliberately skip doses and even skip sessions all in all if i count it would be not more than 1 month of meds I took". Sameer said and sam was relieved to hear that.

"I am prescribing you new sets of meds which you are suppose to take and no need to take any sessions of treatment you'll be fine with just these meds you are all fit and fine". Sam assured him and he nodded. Sam scribbled some meds on paper and shrey took it from her going to get the same.

"Take these meds and go to sleep don't think about anything alright all you need is some sleep". Sam said and he nodded.

"But before that I need to ask how come you guys know him and knew he was lying all the while". Sameer asked and sam too looked on curiously.

"Sit on the bed we'll explain everything". Vee said and helped Sameer up and even helped sam up her feet and they settled down on the bed and Harry held sam in his arms pressing a kiss on her temple and boys smiled fondly while Sameer was trying to recall everything but he felt jealous and pulled sam towards himself hugging her glaring at Harry while Harry pouted at that and boys laughed.

"Poor you can't stand any guy near her". Vee said. "Before we go off the topic let me start explaining". Mahi bhai said and they all got serious.

"Soo since none of our searches yield any results finding him in Mumbai we had actually lost hopes about finding him but the encounters of sam hearing Sameer in hospital and during the call with hridhan when back home and even during the ipl Harry, vee and I got suspicious because coincidence happens just once and not every time so we researched about him and got all his back history and even where he has been since your parents accident asking our sources about the same and he gave each and every details which took nearly two months to get every information and we got to know that he was the one who was there at your cousin's wedding and even was following your parents car when they were on the way back and surprisingly when sam heard him in the hospital when she was injured and the footages were deleted we saw hridhan taking sameer out from the back door and than returning back". Mahi bhai said.

"He forgot to erase the footage of the back door and when we realised that we didn't check the other footages of hospital just checked the footage of the corridor outside the room and we got proof that he is behind all this". Harry said caressing Sam's Hair and Sameer glared at Harry swatting his hand away and boys chuckled at his shocked face.

"And than one by one we started getting proofs that from the start till the end he was behind everything you listening to Sameer's voice and did a background check from your college days to him opening clinic and everything started getting clear to us". Vee said and sam looked on curiously.

"We reached out to your college friends through ish and did his behaviour check and we got to know that he was always behind sam and was in love with her since college days soo we knew why he always used to find an opportunity to get close to you". Harry said fuming in anger.

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