Chapter 22 - Scans

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Boys and coach were fuming in anger listening to jay. Coach had asked them to go back to practice telling that he will handle jay.

"Has he lost it how could he think something like this". Ash said fuming in anger. "How can he even think something like this and how dare he pressurise kid". Jinks said.

"Yeah she is working day and night for our betterment and he is telling she isn't giving her best how dare he say that, i will rip him apart with my Jamnagar sword or will release my flying horse on him". Jaddu said making them to shake their head but agreed to it.

"Soo now we get why is kiddo stressing out soo much, vee should we tell dada about it this all is wrong, he cannot talk to her like that he can't get away by talking to her in such a way, he should respect girls and he should be taught how to respect girls". Roo said and they nodded.

"Yeah he is threatening her and who is he telling her what to do she is a doctor and best in her business who is he telling to get some expert opinion when she herself is an expert she knows what she is doing she won't do anything which will harm us and he is telling her that she will be kicked out of the team". Bhuvi said and they nodded.

"Mahi bhaii.. ". Vee said and was about to continue when he told. "Dada is coming here i called him, change the topic sam is coming". Mahi bhai said and they nodded.

She was looking around for kuldeep. "Baccha for whom you are looking?". Mahi bhai asked. "Kuli he was having some ankle pain and now i cannot find him". Sam said looking around and kuldeep was coming from behind and vee gestured him to scare her and he nodded obediently.

He crept up behind her slowly and roo, vee and kuli screamed booo scaring the shit out of her making her to scream her lungs out and it visibly shook and she fell down keeping her hand on her heart others started laughing their heart out.

It took a while for her to register what happened. "Jeez guys you scared the shit out of me who does this". She said catching her breaths making mahi bhai and bhuvi to take her in a hug.

"Aww you guys are soo bad scared her, watch your back we will get you for this count us in if you are planning a prank". They both said and sam grinned.

"Mahi bhai you will prank us, your first kid, your kuli and your cheeku". Vee said pouting and he nodded.

"Cheeku that pout won't work on me and yes i will prank you guys". Mahi bhai said making them to pout more. "Sit kuli let me see what you did to your ankle, which leg?". Sam said pulling him down and made him sit. He told it's his right leg.

"Expected you slipped while bowling right".  Sam said rotating his ankle and he nodded. She exercised his leg for a while and went in search of her kit and got it taking the spray out and crepe bandage.

She went back and applied it to his ankle and wrapped his ankle in crepe bandage. "Done rest for 10-15 mins than you can continue with your practice but try to avoid pressuring it. Its just a normal sprain crepe bandage will give you relief anyways we are having a full body check up for you guys after practice soo no eating solid food after 2 only liquid one's". Sam said and they looked at her with questioning gaze.

"What?". She asked feeling their gazes on her. "When did you fix our appointment?". They asked.

"Ahh just half an hour back as i need to see your progress and give reports to the board i forgot actually someone's phone rang and than jay came so did not find time to tell you guys". Sam said and they nodded.

"Whose phone it was?". Mahi bhai asked. "I don't know because you guys literally have the same phone which is too difficult for me to guess whose phone it was and the caller id was a bit weird too it was biscotti and he was asking for someone name biscuit whom i don't know as of now, but wait like seriously biscuit is it even a nickname, we eat biscuits right?". She questioned innocently making everyone to laugh. While roo and mahi bhai mentally groaned and vee's eyes lit up.

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