Chapter 65

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Trigger warning - panic attack.

Anna Faze.
May 19th, 2022.

Nothing can take away my happiness right now, not rain, not rude fans, nothing. On the way back to the apartment it started to sprinkle some and when I got up a little bit ago it's now raining not too heavily just enough to annoy you but I'm not letting it.

I get out of the shower and I dry off with the towel and put my robe on. I start with my skincare first, since my hair is held back by the towel. I wash my face when I'm in the shower, it just takes one less thing I don't have to do once I'm out of the shower. I put moisturizer and hydration drops all over my face and down my neck, from coming from dry warm air to moist air my face has been drying out in the oddest of places.

After I rub all of that in and down my neck and let it sit for a moment I move on to my hair. I comb and brush through my hair, I'm losing so much with how the seasons are changing. Once I get done I run my hair oil down my middle and side parts of my scalp and rub it all in.

I want to let my hair dry more before I put it into the style I'll keep it in for the day. I have no idea what the outfit for the actual live part of the show looks like so I'm not sure what to do for makeup. I know for this tour I want to put more into my makeup for the shows just because of how much we put for some of the outfits.

I decided on a simple look, like normal, but for my eyes instead of using just mascara I also added a gold glitter line under my eye on both sides. You can't really see it unless you really look but I like it, it's something different.

By the time I had finished my makeup my hair was dry enough to put up into a half up bun on the back of my head. I also cover my body in lotion. 

For my outfit I decided on a black bodysuit that has a square neck with sleeves and dark green and black checkered print high waisted pants. The pants have belt loops but they fit me fine without one. Then for my shoes would just be my Doc Martens. I just pray I don't get sick with my hair still being wet and being out in the rain.

I tie my shoes and spray myself down with perfume, not too much though. 

Jeff, Tommy, and Kenny all got to the apartment as I was walking out of my room to see what the other two were doing.

"We don't have time for extra things we got to go!" Jeff stressed to Harry and Peyton. "The two of you need to be like Anna, she's dressed and ready." He adds as he sees me walk by Harry's door.

I laugh at his comment and keep walking. "Hi milo. Are you hungry?" I asked him as we met each other in the kitchen.

Milo has been so good the past few days. I promise you he was a princess dog in his past life, he loves being pampered. I truly love this dog so much.

I take his bowl out of the tray and pour his kibble in and also two pumps of fish oil and mix it together. I've read so much on the so-called best ways to feed your dog and everything I tried he either didn't like or threw up after eating it. Fish oil has been the only thing he can manage, his tummy doesn't like much.

Milo was already sitting and waiting for his food like a good boy by his tray. I put his bowl back down and say. "Okay!" As his signal to go ahead and eat. I compliment his good behavior by a few rubs on the head and then leave him be. Before I walked away from his bowls I made sure he had enough water for the day.

"Let's go!" Jeff yells once again.

I grab my black leather raincoat and my bag with things I may need for the performance. Peyton comes out of her room as I pass by. She looks nice. She's wearing white jeans with a light green sweater– my sweater.

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