Chapter 15

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Anna Faze.
October 18th, 2021.

"Here's the other bag of his." Jeff puts Harry's other duffel bag next to his suitcase. "And so just know that Olivia's flight gets here at six." He rubs his neck.

"This." I motion my hands around. "Doesn't get out to anyone, alright?" I say.

He nods his head. "How is he? Is he— is it bad? What's?" He drags out the 's'.

"He's.. he just needs some time and he'll be okay... I hope." I say. 

He nods his head some more. "We'll need the both of you at six at the arena, I'm going to try and keep her "busy". I'll probably make something up" He tells me as he steps back into the hall.

"Okay, yeah... I don't think that would be a good idea for Olivia to be around him when he's like this." I agree.

Before Jeff left he reminded me about some upcoming things, like how we need to decide a date for the album and for when the singles will come out. I move Harry's stuff over in front of the tv, just to have it out the way, before quickly going to the bathroom then getting back into bed with him.

He groans as he pulls me closer to him. "You left." His voice was raspy. 

I run my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, I had to do something." I softly say.

"I don't want to leave." He said, sadly.

"Well, lucky for you. I had your things moved here." I say. 

He looks up at me." Really?" He shockingly asks.

"That's why I left." I explained. He lays his head back down on my chest as he tightens his hold on me.
I lightly trace over his tattoos on his arm.

"Mhmmm." He hummed.

"I love when you do that." He tells me. I hum at his words, I continue running my fingertips along the outlinings of his tattoos.

"I miss Milo." He whispers.

Milo is one of my family's dogs, he's really mine but I just say he's a family dog. We have Milo, who's the baby of the family he's a Bernese mountain, then we have Stitch, who is a Saint Bernard, she's the middle child and then you have the sweetheart of them is Charlie he's a golden retriever, he's a little baby.

Normally I bring Milo everywhere, I would've loved to have him on tour with us but I felt like it would've stressed him out, two I would probably be too busy to keep up with him which goes to and three we would've had to either bring someone or hi...

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Normally I bring Milo everywhere, I would've loved to have him on tour with us but I felt like it would've stressed him out, two I would probably be too busy to keep up with him which goes to and three we would've had to either bring someone or hire someone to watch him. Whenever I don't have him he'll go back to my mother and father figure's farm with the other two.

"I miss him too." I agree.

"Thank you." He whispers. Ever since he woke up today he'll say that I don't really know what he means by it but I just hold him a little tight each time.


After laying in bed watching criminal minds together we get up and take showers then get somewhat ready, and by ready I mean we both put sweat pants on and a hoodie before leaving for the arena.

Once we got to the arena we had a quick meeting with the crew then did a sound check, afterwards we ate some soup that the catering had made, it was pretty good too. After a while it was time to get ready. I didn't do much tonight just the same makeup look as normal but Pauli did however put a little silver heart on both sides of my eyes. The corset was a little different tonight as well this one had straps and was bright red with blue pants.

After changing and putting in my in-ears and a quick check with Adam I'm ready to go.

I walk out to the entrance tunnel with everyone else.

"Anna, come on! Come take a picture with us!" Elin called out. I trot over to them. I stand next to Niji and pose for the picture.

"Awesome!" Tallulah exclaimed.

"Are we ready?" Dan asked. I looked over at Harry, who was in an extremely funny conversation with Mitch apparently since he's laughing his ass off, it's nice to see him laughing.

"Yep, I'm ready." I say as I put my in-ears in.

I climb into the box pulling my legs to my chest then Harry clime's on in as well, we both give the single to put the top on and roll us out.

"I know I've said this all day but thank you for what you did last night and today." Harry says.

"I don't know what is going on with you and Olivia but if she really was the one to do that... Harry, you need to speak up. I know it's scary but in the long run it's the best thing you could do." I stressed to him.

He stayed quiet just rubbing his thumb up and down on my calf.


Happy reading!!!

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