Chapter 31

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Note- Before you start, this first part is written in a 7-year-olds mindset, so some things are going to sound child-like. Just keep that in mind. <3

Harry Styles.
(7 years old)

It's already been a long day and it's not even lunchtime. Mum left for work a few hours ago, John is still sleeping. I heard him and his friends having adult drinks out on the lanai last night. When mum was making us breakfast this morning she didn't seem happy when saw the mess that they all had left for her to clean up.

"Harry, come on we need to clean this so mum won't have too." Gemma handed me a recycling bag as she pushed open the back door.

I grab my jacket from the chair before following behind her, I close the door once I reach the last step. "Gem, this is stupid. It's not our mess it's his, why should we be the ones to clean up after him?" I start bickering, but I'm right we've always cleaned up after him.

"Harry, stop it before he hears you and does worse things than us just having to clean up his beer bottles." She shakes the bag for it to open.

I don't want that, so I just listen to her and help clean up. I push my arms through the sleeves of my jacket, fixing it over my shoulders. I shake open the bag and start with the bottles on the table, while Gemma gets the ones over by the fire pit.

This go around wasn't as bad as previous ones, after we finished collecting all the bottles we started picking up the backyard in general; like the couch cushions and pillows along with other random things.

I sat the bags of bottles by the door then I heard a loud noise inside. I whipped my head over to Gemma seeing if she heard it as well, I could tell she was trying to hide the fear when she heard it but we both were frozen in place. We never know what our day will be like but 9/10 times it's never a good day, the only time we have somewhat good days are when we get to go to school but this week we had off from it, sadly.

We both just stood there waiting for him to come outside and yell at us, but he never did. He stayed inside.

The day went on as normal, long and tiring. John was too hungover to hit us today but that means tomorrow will be worse than normal. He'll go harder on us since he missed a day.

Mum got home a little while ago. She was proud of us for cleaning the backyard, she let us have pizza for dinner, she's the best.

I turn over to see my fishy alarm clock read 2:43am. I'm scared for tomorrow. I sit up in my bed and quietly move to the end of it to look out my window. Almost every night a bird comes and sits on the edge of my window, it has a fluffy tummy. I think it's having babies or just eating well either way I won't judge. I think it's a blue jay but the colors on it are lighter than a blue jay, it's still a very pretty bird.

I crawl over to my nightstand and pull out the drawer and grab the homemade bird mix I have hidden. I did some research on the right seeds for birds at school last week, so hopefully this is okay for the little thing.

I flip up the lock on my window, trying to make little to no noise. I pull down on the handle and slowly push it open. I haven't seen her since last week. She looks a bit different but I didn't think much about it.

"Hi birdy." I sprinkle some of the seed mixture out in front of her, "how are you?" I whisper, my door is shut so hopefully I won't get caught.

She stayed for a few more minutes before flying away, since I'll be at school the next time she comes. I sprinkled some more food out for her. I pull my window close and flip the lock down, I put the seed mix in the back of my drawer and push it shut.

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